Fork 0

seems to be working :D

This commit is contained in:
Alejandro Moreo Fernandez 2024-03-23 20:12:10 +01:00
parent 4150f4351f
commit 2a685cec1e
3 changed files with 553 additions and 67 deletions

View File

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ from os.path import join
from quapy.data import LabelledCollection
from quapy.protocol import AbstractProtocol
import json
def load_txt_sample(path, parse_columns, verbose=False, max_lines=None):
@ -40,24 +41,70 @@ def load_txt_sample(path, parse_columns, verbose=False, max_lines=None):
return X, y
def load_json_sample(path, class_name, max_lines=-1):
obj = json.load(open(path, 'rt'))
keys = [f'{id}' for id in range(len(obj['text'].keys()))]
text = [obj['text'][id] for id in keys]
classes = [obj[class_name][id] for id in keys]
if max_lines is not None and max_lines>0:
text = text[:max_lines]
classes = classes[:max_lines]
return text, classes
class TextRankings:
def __init__(self, path, class_name):
self.obj = json.load(open(path, 'rt'))
self.class_name = class_name
def get_sample_Xy(self, sample_id, max_lines=-1):
sample_id = str(sample_id)
O = self.obj
docs_ids = [doc_id for doc_id, query_id in O['qid'].items() if query_id == sample_id]
texts = [O['text'][doc_id] for doc_id in docs_ids]
labels = [O['continent'][doc_id] for doc_id in docs_ids]
if max_lines > 0 and len(texts) > max_lines:
ranks = [int(O['rank'][doc_id]) for doc_id in docs_ids]
sel = np.argsort(ranks)[:max_lines]
texts = np.asarray(texts)[sel]
labels = np.asarray(labels)[sel]
return texts, labels
def get_query_id_from_path(path, prefix='training', posfix='200SPLIT'):
qid = path
qid = qid[:qid.index(posfix)]
qid = qid[qid.index(prefix)+len(prefix):]
return qid
class RetrievedSamples(AbstractProtocol):
def __init__(self, path_dir: str, load_fn, vectorizer, max_train_lines=None, max_test_lines=None, classes=None):
def __init__(self, path_dir: str, load_fn, vectorizer, max_train_lines=None, max_test_lines=None, classes=None, class_name=None):
self.path_dir = path_dir
self.load_fn = load_fn
self.vectorizer = vectorizer
self.max_train_lines = max_train_lines
self.max_test_lines = max_test_lines
assert class_name is not None, 'class name should be specified'
self.class_name = class_name
self.text_samples = TextRankings(join(self.path_dir, 'testRankingsRetrieval.json'), class_name=class_name)
def __call__(self):
for file in glob(join(self.path_dir, 'test_rankings', 'test_rankingstraining_rankings_*.txt')):
X, y = self.load_fn(file.replace('test_', 'training_'), parse_columns=True, max_lines=self.max_train_lines)
for file in glob(join(self.path_dir, 'training*SPLIT.json')):
X, y = self.load_fn(file, class_name=self.class_name, max_lines=self.max_train_lines)
X = self.vectorizer.transform(X)
train_sample = LabelledCollection(X, y, classes=self.classes)
X, y = self.load_fn(file, parse_columns=True, max_lines=self.max_test_lines)
query_id = get_query_id_from_path(file)
X, y = self.text_samples.get_sample_Xy(query_id, max_lines=self.max_test_lines)
# if len(X)!=qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE']:
# print(f'[warning]: file {file} contains {len(X)} instances (expected: {qp.environ["SAMPLE_SIZE"]})')
# assert len(X) == qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'], f'unexpected sample size for file {file}, found {len(X)}'

View File

@ -1,3 +1,5 @@
from collections import defaultdict
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.feature_extraction.text import TfidfVectorizer
@ -7,7 +9,8 @@ from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
import quapy as qp
import quapy.functional as F
from Retrieval.commons import RetrievedSamples, load_txt_sample
from Retrieval.commons import RetrievedSamples, load_txt_sample, load_json_sample
from Retrieval.tabular import Table
from method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation
from quapy.method.aggregative import ClassifyAndCount, EMQ, ACC, PCC, PACC, KDEyML
from quapy.protocol import AbstractProtocol
@ -27,6 +30,7 @@ Por ahora 1000 en tr y 100 en test
Parece que ahora hay muy poco shift
def cls(classifier_trained=None):
if classifier_trained is None:
# return LinearSVC()
@ -37,31 +41,31 @@ def cls(classifier_trained=None):
def methods(classifier_trained=None):
yield ('CC', ClassifyAndCount(cls(classifier_trained)))
yield ('PCC', PCC(cls(classifier_trained)))
yield ('ACC', ACC(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1))
yield ('PACC', PACC(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1))
yield ('EMQ', EMQ(cls(classifier_trained), exact_train_prev=True))
yield ('EMQh', EMQ(cls(classifier_trained), exact_train_prev=False))
yield ('EMQ-BCTS', EMQ(cls(classifier_trained), exact_train_prev=False, recalib='bcts'))
yield ('EMQ-TS', EMQ(cls(classifier_trained), exact_train_prev=False, recalib='ts'))
yield ('EMQ-NBVS', EMQ(cls(classifier_trained), exact_train_prev=False, recalib='nbvs'))
# yield ('EMQ-BCTS', EMQ(cls(classifier_trained), exact_train_prev=False, recalib='bcts'))
# yield ('EMQ-TS', EMQ(cls(classifier_trained), exact_train_prev=False, recalib='ts'))
# yield ('EMQ-NBVS', EMQ(cls(classifier_trained), exact_train_prev=False, recalib='nbvs'))
# yield ('EMQ-VS', EMQ(cls(classifier_trained), exact_train_prev=False, recalib='vs'))
yield ('PCC', PCC(cls(classifier_trained)))
yield ('ACC', ACC(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1))
yield ('KDE001', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.001))
yield ('KDE005', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.005)) # <-- wow!
yield ('KDE01', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.01))
yield ('KDE02', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.02))
yield ('KDE03', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.03))
yield ('KDE05', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.05))
# yield ('KDE001', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.001))
# yield ('KDE005', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.005)) # <-- wow!
# yield ('KDE01', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.01))
# yield ('KDE02', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.02))
# yield ('KDE03', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.03))
# yield ('KDE05', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.05))
yield ('KDE07', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.07))
yield ('KDE10', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.10))
# yield ('KDE10', KDEyML(cls(classifier_trained), val_split=5, n_jobs=-1, bandwidth=0.10))
yield ('MLPE', MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation())
def train_classifier():
tfidf = TfidfVectorizer(sublinear_tf=True, min_df=10)
training = LabelledCollection.load(train_path, loader_func=load_txt_sample, verbose=True, parse_columns=False)
training = LabelledCollection.load(train_path, loader_func=load_json_sample, class_name=CLASS_NAME)
if REDUCE_TR > 0:
if REDUCE_TR > 0 and len(training) > REDUCE_TR:
print('Reducing the number of documents in the training to', REDUCE_TR)
training = training.sampling(REDUCE_TR, *training.prevalence())
@ -89,69 +93,77 @@ def train_classifier():
return tfidf, classifier_trained
def reduceAtK(data: LabelledCollection, k):
X, y = data.Xy
X = X[:k]
y = y[:k]
return LabelledCollection(X, y, classes=data.classes_)
RANK_AT_K = 1000
RANK_AT_K = -1
REDUCE_TR = 50000
qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = RANK_AT_K
data_path = './50_50_split_trec'
train_path = join(data_path, 'train_50_50_continent.txt')
data_path = './newExperimentalSetup'
train_path = join(data_path, 'train3000samples.json')
tfidf, classifier_trained = qp.util.pickled_resource('classifier.pkl', train_classifier)
experiment_prot = RetrievedSamples(data_path,
Ks = [10, 50, 100, 250, 500, 1000, 2000]
# Ks = [500]
for CLASS_NAME in ['continent']: #, 'gender', 'gender_category', 'occupations', 'source_countries', 'source_subcont_regions', 'years_category', 'relative_pageviews_category']:
tfidf, classifier_trained = qp.util.pickled_resource(f'classifier_{CLASS_NAME}.pkl', train_classifier)
experiment_prot = RetrievedSamples(data_path,
max_test_lines=RANK_AT_K, classes=classifier_trained.classes_)
max_test_lines=RANK_AT_K, classes=classifier_trained.classes_, class_name=CLASS_NAME)
result_mae_dict = {}
result_mrae_dict = {}
for method_name, quantifier in methods(classifier_trained):
method_names = [name for name, *other in methods()]
benchmarks = [f'{CLASS_NAME}@{k}' for k in Ks]
table_mae = Table(benchmarks, method_names, color_mode='global')
table_mrae = Table(benchmarks, method_names, color_mode='global')
for method_name, quantifier in methods(classifier_trained):
# print('Starting with method=', method_name)
mae_errors = []
mrae_errors = []
mae_errors = {k:[] for k in Ks}
mrae_errors = {k:[] for k in Ks}
pbar = tqdm(experiment_prot(), total=49)
for train, test in pbar:
if train is not None:
# print(train.prevalence())
# print(test.prevalence())
if trained and method_name!='MLPE':
quantifier.fit(train, val_split=train, fit_classifier=False)
estim_prev = quantifier.quantify(test.instances)
mae = qp.error.mae(test.prevalence(), estim_prev)
for k in Ks:
test_k = reduceAtK(test, k)
estim_prev = quantifier.quantify(test_k.instances)
mrae = qp.error.mrae(test.prevalence(), estim_prev)
# print()
# print('Training prevalence:', F.strprev(train.prevalence()), 'shape', train.X.shape)
# print('Test prevalence:', F.strprev(test.prevalence()), 'shape', test.X.shape)
# print('Estim prevalence:', F.strprev(estim_prev))
mae_errors[k].append(qp.error.mae(test_k.prevalence(), estim_prev))
mrae_errors[k].append(qp.error.mrae(test_k.prevalence(), estim_prev, eps=(1./(2*k))))
except Exception as e:
print(f'wow, something happened here! skipping; {e}')
print('skipping one!')
result_mae_dict[method_name] = np.mean(mae_errors)
result_mrae_dict[method_name] = np.mean(mrae_errors)
# pbar.set_description(f'{method_name}\tmae={np.mean(mae_errors):.4f}\tmrae={np.mean(mrae_errors):.4f}')
for k in Ks:
table_mae.add(benchmark=f'{CLASS_NAME}@{k}', method=method_name, values=mae_errors[k])
table_mrae.add(benchmark=f'{CLASS_NAME}@{k}', method=method_name, values=mrae_errors[k])
table_mae.latexPDF('./latex', 'table_mae.tex')
table_mrae.latexPDF('./latex', 'table_mrae.tex')
for method_name in result_mae_dict.keys():
MAE = result_mae_dict[method_name]
MRAE = result_mrae_dict[method_name]

Retrieval/tabular.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,427 @@
import os.path
import numpy as np
import itertools
from scipy.stats import ttest_ind_from_stats, wilcoxon
from pathlib import Path
from os.path import join
class Table:
VALID_TESTS = [None, "wilcoxon", "ttest"]
def __init__(self, benchmarks, methods, lower_is_better=True, ttest='ttest', prec_mean=3,
clean_zero=False, show_std=False, prec_std=3, average=True, missing=None, missing_str='--',
color=True, color_mode='local', maxtone=50):
assert ttest in self.VALID_TESTS, f'unknown test, valid are {self.VALID_TESTS}'
self.benchmarks = np.asarray(benchmarks)
self.benchmark_index = {row:i for i, row in enumerate(benchmarks)}
self.methods = np.asarray(methods)
self.method_index = {col:j for j, col in enumerate(methods)}
self.map = {}
# keyed (#rows,#cols)-ndarrays holding computations from self.map['values']
self._addmap('values', dtype=object)
self.lower_is_better = lower_is_better
self.ttest = ttest
self.prec_mean = prec_mean
self.clean_zero = clean_zero
self.show_std = show_std
self.prec_std = prec_std
self.add_average = average
self.missing = missing
self.missing_str = missing_str
self.color = color
self.color_mode = color_mode
self.maxtone = maxtone
def nbenchmarks(self):
return len(self.benchmarks)
def nmethods(self):
return len(self.methods)
def touch(self):
self._modif = True
def update(self):
if self._modif:
def _getfilled(self):
return np.argwhere(self.map['fill'])
def values(self):
return self.map['values']
def _indexes(self):
return itertools.product(range(self.nbenchmarks), range(self.nmethods))
def _addmap(self, map, dtype, func=None):
self.map[map] = np.empty((self.nbenchmarks, self.nmethods), dtype=dtype)
if func is None:
m = self.map[map]
f = func
indexes = self._indexes() if map == 'fill' else self._getfilled()
for i, j in indexes:
m[i, j] = f(self.values[i, j])
def _addrank(self):
for i in range(self.nbenchmarks):
filled_cols_idx = np.argwhere(self.map['fill'][i]).flatten()
col_means = [self.map['mean'][i,j] for j in filled_cols_idx]
ranked_cols_idx = filled_cols_idx[np.argsort(col_means)]
if not self.lower_is_better:
ranked_cols_idx = ranked_cols_idx[::-1]
self.map['rank'][i, ranked_cols_idx] = np.arange(1, len(filled_cols_idx)+1)
def _addcolor(self):
minval = {}
maxval = {}
if self.color_mode == 'global':
filled_cols_idx = np.argwhere(self.map['fill'])
col_means = [self.map['mean'][i, j] for i, j in filled_cols_idx]
if len(filled_cols_idx) > 0:
global_minval = min(col_means)
global_maxval = max(col_means)
for i in range(self.nbenchmarks):
minval[i] = global_minval
maxval[i] = global_maxval
elif self.color_mode == 'local':
for i in range(self.nbenchmarks):
filled_cols_idx = np.argwhere(self.map['fill'][i, i + 1])
if len(filled_cols_idx)>0:
col_means = [self.map['mean'][i, j] for j in filled_cols_idx]
minval[i] = min(col_means)
maxval[i] = max(col_means)
print(f'color mode {self.color_mode} not understood, valid ones are "local" and "global"; skip')
for i in range(self.nbenchmarks):
filled_cols_idx = np.argwhere(self.map['fill'][i]).flatten()
for col_idx in filled_cols_idx:
val = self.map['mean'][i,col_idx]
if i not in maxval or i not in minval:
norm = (maxval[i] - minval[i])
if norm > 0:
normval = (val - minval[i]) / norm
normval = 0.5
if self.lower_is_better:
normval = 1 - normval
normval = np.clip(normval, 0,1)
self.map['color'][i, col_idx] = color_red2green_01(normval, self.maxtone)
def _run_ttest(self, row, col1, col2):
mean1 = self.map['mean'][row, col1]
std1 = self.map['std'][row, col1]
nobs1 = self.map['nobs'][row, col1]
mean2 = self.map['mean'][row, col2]
std2 = self.map['std'][row, col2]
nobs2 = self.map['nobs'][row, col2]
_, p_val = ttest_ind_from_stats(mean1, std1, nobs1, mean2, std2, nobs2)
return p_val
def _run_wilcoxon(self, row, col1, col2):
values1 = self.map['values'][row, col1]
values2 = self.map['values'][row, col2]
_, p_val = wilcoxon(values1, values2)
except ValueError:
p_val = 0
return p_val
def _add_statistical_test(self):
if self.ttest is None:
self.some_similar = [False]*self.nmethods
for i in range(self.nbenchmarks):
filled_cols_idx = np.argwhere(self.map['fill'][i]).flatten()
if len(filled_cols_idx) <= 1:
col_means = [self.map['mean'][i,j] for j in filled_cols_idx]
best_pos = filled_cols_idx[np.argmin(col_means)]
for j in filled_cols_idx:
if j==best_pos:
if self.ttest == 'ttest':
p_val = self._run_ttest(i, best_pos, j)
p_val = self._run_wilcoxon(i, best_pos, j)
pval_outcome = pval_interpretation(p_val)
self.map['ttest'][i, j] = pval_outcome
if pval_outcome != 'Diff':
self.some_similar[j] = True
def compute(self):
self._addmap('fill', dtype=bool, func=lambda x: x is not None)
self._addmap('mean', dtype=float, func=np.mean)
self._addmap('std', dtype=float, func=np.std)
self._addmap('nobs', dtype=float, func=len)
self._addmap('rank', dtype=int, func=None)
self._addmap('color', dtype=object, func=None)
self._addmap('ttest', dtype=object, func=None)
self._addmap('latex', dtype=object, func=None)
if self.add_average:
self._modif = False
def _is_column_full(self, col):
return all(self.map['fill'][:, self.method_index[col]])
def _addave(self):
ave = Table(['ave'], self.methods,
for col in self.methods:
values = None
if self._is_column_full(col):
if self.ttest == 'ttest':
# values = np.asarray(self.map['mean'][:, self.method_index[col]])
values = np.concatenate(self.values[:, self.method_index[col]])
else: # wilcoxon
# values = np.asarray(self.map['mean'][:, self.method_index[col]])
values = np.concatenate(self.values[:, self.method_index[col]])
ave.add('ave', col, values)
self.average = ave
def add(self, benchmark, method, values):
if values is not None:
values = np.asarray(values)
if values.ndim==0:
values = values.flatten()
rid, cid = self._coordinates(benchmark, method)
self.map['values'][rid, cid] = values
def get(self, benchmark, method, attr='mean'):
assert attr in self.map, f'unknwon attribute {attr}'
rid, cid = self._coordinates(benchmark, method)
if self.map['fill'][rid, cid]:
v = self.map[attr][rid, cid]
if v is None or (isinstance(v,float) and np.isnan(v)):
return self.missing
return v
return self.missing
def _coordinates(self, benchmark, method):
assert benchmark in self.benchmark_index, f'benchmark {benchmark} out of range'
assert method in self.method_index, f'method {method} out of range'
rid = self.benchmark_index[benchmark]
cid = self.method_index[method]
return rid, cid
def get_average(self, method, attr='mean'):
if self.add_average:
return self.average.get('ave', method, attr=attr)
return None
def get_color(self, benchmark, method):
color = self.get(benchmark, method, attr='color')
if color is None:
return ''
return color
def latex(self, benchmark, method):
i,j = self._coordinates(benchmark, method)
if self.map['fill'][i,j] == False:
return self.missing_str
mean = self.map['mean'][i,j]
l = f" {mean:.{self.prec_mean}f}"
if self.clean_zero:
l = l.replace(' 0.', '.')
isbest = self.map['rank'][i,j] == 1
if isbest:
l = "\\textbf{"+l.strip()+"}"
stat = '' if self.ttest is None else '^{\phantom{\ddag}}'
if self.ttest is not None and self.some_similar[j]:
test_label = self.map['ttest'][i,j]
if test_label == 'Sim':
stat = '^{\dag}'
elif test_label == 'Same':
stat = '^{\ddag}'
elif isbest or test_label == 'Diff':
stat = '^{\phantom{\ddag}}'
std = ''
if self.show_std:
std = self.map['std'][i,j]
std = f" {std:.{self.prec_std}f}"
if self.clean_zero:
std = std.replace(' 0.', '.')
std = f"\pm {std:{self.prec_std}}"
if stat!='' or std!='':
l = f'{l}${stat}{std}$'
if self.color:
l += ' ' + self.map['color'][i,j]
return l
def latexPDF(self, path, name:str, *args, **kwargs):
if not name.endswith('.tex'):
name += '.tex'
self.latexSaveDocument(join(path, name), *args, **kwargs)
print("[Tables Done] runing latex")
os.system('pdflatex '+name)
basename = name.replace('.tex', '')
os.system(f'rm {basename}.aux {basename}.bbl {basename}.blg {basename}.log {basename}.out {basename}.dvi')
def latexSaveDocument(self, path, *args, **kwargs):
document = self.latexDocument(*args, **kwargs)
parent = Path(path).parent
os.makedirs(parent, exist_ok=True)
with open(path, 'wt') as foo:
print('text file save at ', path)
def latexDocument(self, *args, **kwargs):
document = """
document += self.latexTable(*args, **kwargs)
document += "\n\end{document}\n"
return document
def latexTable(self, benchmark_replace={}, method_replace={}, aslines=False, endl='\\\\\hline', resizebox=True):
table = """
%%%\\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{% \n
table += "\n\\begin{tabular}{|c"+"|c" * self.nmethods + "|}\n"
table += self.latexTabular(benchmark_replace, method_replace, aslines, endl)
table += "\n\\end{tabular}\n"
table += """
if resizebox:
table = table.replace("%%%", "")
return table
def latexTabular(self, benchmark_replace={}, method_replace={}, aslines=False, endl='\\\\\hline'):
lines = []
l = '\multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & '
l += ' & '.join([method_replace.get(col, col) for col in self.methods])
l += ' \\\\\hline'
for row in self.benchmarks:
rowname = benchmark_replace.get(row, row)
l = rowname + ' & '
l += self.latexRow(row, endl=endl)
if self.add_average:
# l += '\hline\n'
l = '\hline \n \\textit{Average} & '
l += self.latexAverage(endl=endl)
if not aslines:
return lines
def latexRow(self, benchmark, endl='\\\\\hline\n'):
s = [self.latex(benchmark, col) for col in self.methods]
s = ' & '.join(s)
s += ' ' + endl
return s
def latexAverage(self, endl='\\\\\hline\n'):
if self.add_average:
return self.average.latexRow('ave', endl=endl)
def getRankTable(self, prec_mean=0):
t = Table(benchmarks=self.benchmarks, methods=self.methods, prec_mean=prec_mean, average=True, maxtone=self.maxtone, ttest=None)
for rid, cid in self._getfilled():
row = self.benchmarks[rid]
col = self.methods[cid]
t.add(row, col, self.get(row, col, 'rank'))
return t
def dropMethods(self, methods):
drop_index = [self.method_index[m] for m in methods]
new_methods = np.delete(self.methods, drop_index)
new_index = {col:j for j, col in enumerate(new_methods)}
self.map['values'] = self.values[:,np.asarray([self.method_index[m] for m in new_methods], dtype=int)]
self.methods = new_methods
self.method_index = new_index
def pval_interpretation(p_val):
if 0.005 >= p_val:
return 'Diff'
elif 0.05 >= p_val > 0.005:
return 'Sim'
elif p_val > 0.05:
return 'Same'
def color_red2green_01(val, maxtone=50):
if np.isnan(val): return None
assert 0 <= val <= 1, f'val {val} out of range [0,1]'
# rescale to [-1,1]
val = val * 2 - 1
if val < 0:
color = 'red'
tone = maxtone * (-val)
color = 'green'
tone = maxtone * val
return '\cellcolor{' + color + f'!{int(tone)}' + '}'