forked from moreo/QuaPy
some experiments run, not much to say though
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV
from import LabelledCollection
from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as MLPE
from quapy.method.aggregative import CC, PCC, ACC, PACC, EMQ
from commons import *
from table import Table
from tqdm import tqdm
import quapy as qp
def classifier():
return LogisticRegressionCV()
def quantifiers():
cls = classifier()
yield 'MLPE', MLPE()
yield 'CC', CC(cls)
yield 'PCC', PCC(cls)
yield 'ACC', ACC(cls)
yield 'PACC', PACC(cls)
yield 'SLD', EMQ(cls)
survey_y = './data/survey_y.csv'
Atr, Xtr, ytr = load_csv(survey_y, use_yhat=True)
preprocessor = Preprocessor()
Xtr = preprocessor.fit_transform(Xtr)
data = get_dataset_by_area(Atr, Xtr, ytr)
n_areas = len(data)
Madj = AdjMatrix('./data/matrice_adiacenza.csv')
areas = [Ai for Ai, _, _ in data]
q_names = [q_name for q_name, _ in quantifiers()]
# tables = []
text_outputs = []
benchmarks = [f'te-{Ai}' for Ai in areas] # areas used as test
# areas on which a quantifier is trained, e.g., 'PACC-w/o46' means a PACC quantifier
# has been trained on all areas but 46
methods = [f'{q_name}-cat' for q_name in q_names]
table = Table(name='adjacentconcat', benchmarks=benchmarks, methods=methods, stat_test=None, color_mode='local')
table.format.mean_prec = 4
table.format.show_std = False
table.format.sta = False
table.format.remove_zero = True
for q_name, q in quantifiers():
for i, (Ai, Xi, yi) in tqdm(enumerate(data), total=n_areas):
trainings = [LabelledCollection(Xj, yj) for Aj, Xj, yj in data if Aj!=Ai and Aj in Madj.get_adjacent(Ai)]
print(f'for test Ai={Ai} there should be {Madj.get_adjacent(Ai)}: len={len(trainings)}')
tr = LabelledCollection.join(*trainings)
te = LabelledCollection(Xi, yi)
qp.environ["SAMPLE_SIZE"] = len(te)
pred_prev = q.quantify(te.X)
true_prev = te.prevalence()
err = qp.error.mae(true_prev, pred_prev)
method_name = f'{q_name}-cat'
table.add(benchmark=f'te-{Ai}', method=method_name, v=err)
# text_outputs.append(f'{q_name} got mean {table.all_mean():.5f}, best mean {table.get_method_values("Best").mean():.5f}')
Table.LatexPDF(f'./results/adjacentconcat/doc.pdf', [table])
# with open(f'./results/classifier/output.txt', 'tw') as foo:
# foo.write('\n'.join(text_outputs))
@ -0,0 +1,101 @@
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV
from Census.methods import AreaQuantifier, AggregationRule
from import LabelledCollection
from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as MLPE
from quapy.method.aggregative import CC, PCC, ACC, PACC, EMQ, MS, MS2
from commons import *
from table import Table
from tqdm import tqdm
import quapy as qp
from copy import deepcopy
def classifier():
return LogisticRegressionCV()
def quantifiers():
cls = classifier()
yield 'MLPE', MLPE()
yield 'CC', CC(cls)
yield 'PCC', PCC(cls)
yield 'ACC', ACC(cls)
yield 'PACC', PACC(cls)
yield 'MS', MS(cls)
# yield 'MS2', MS2(cls)
# yield 'SLD', EMQ(cls)
survey_y = './data/survey_y.csv'
Atr, Xtr, ytr = load_csv(survey_y, use_yhat=True)
preprocessor = Preprocessor()
Xtr = preprocessor.fit_transform(Xtr)
data = get_dataset_by_area(Atr, Xtr, ytr)
n_areas = len(data)
areas = [Ai for Ai, _, _ in data]
q_names = [q_name for q_name, _ in quantifiers()]
Madj = AdjMatrix('./data/matrice_adiacenza.csv')
tables = []
text_outputs = []
benchmarks = [f'te-{Ai}' for Ai in areas] # areas used as test
for aggr in ['median', 'mean']:
# areas on which a quantifier is trained, e.g., 'PACC-w/o46' means a PACC quantifier
# has been trained on all areas but 46
methods = [f'{q_name}-{aggr}' for q_name in q_names]
table = Table(name=f'adjacent{aggr}', benchmarks=benchmarks, methods=methods, stat_test=None, color_mode='local')
table.format.mean_prec = 4
table.format.show_std = False
table.format.sta = False
table.format.remove_zero = True
for q_name, q in quantifiers():
# pretrain quantifiers per area
pretrained_area_q = []
for i, (Ai, Xi, yi) in tqdm(enumerate(data), total=n_areas):
q_i = deepcopy(q)
||||, yi))
pretrained_area_q.append(AreaQuantifier(Ai, q_i))
for i, (Ai, Xi, yi) in tqdm(enumerate(data), total=n_areas):
# compose members of the rule (quantifiers are already fit)
area_quantifiers = [qA_j for qA_j in pretrained_area_q if qA_j.area != Ai]
rule = AggregationRule(area_quantifiers, adjacent_matrix=Madj, aggr=aggr)
te = LabelledCollection(Xi, yi)
qp.environ["SAMPLE_SIZE"] = len(te)
pred_prev = rule.predict(Ai, te.X)
true_prev = te.prevalence()
err = qp.error.mae(true_prev, pred_prev)
method_name = f'{q_name}-{aggr}'
table.add(benchmark=f'te-{Ai}', method=method_name, v=err)
# text_outputs.append(f'{q_name} got mean {table.all_mean():.5f}, best mean {table.get_method_values("Best").mean():.5f}')
Table.LatexPDF(f'./results/adjacentaggregation/doc.pdf', tables)
# with open(f'./results/classifier/output.txt', 'tw') as foo:
# foo.write('\n'.join(text_outputs))
@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV, LogisticRegression
from Census.methods import AreaQuantifier, AggregationRule, optimize_ensemble
from import LabelledCollection
from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as MLPE
from quapy.method.aggregative import CC, PCC, ACC, PACC, EMQ, MS, MS2
from commons import *
from table import Table
from tqdm import tqdm
import quapy as qp
from copy import deepcopy
def classifier():
return LogisticRegression()
def quantifiers():
cls = classifier()
# yield 'MLPE', MLPE()
yield 'CC', CC(cls)
yield 'PCC', PCC(cls)
yield 'ACC', ACC(cls)
yield 'PACC', PACC(cls)
yield 'MS', MS(cls)
# yield 'MS2', MS2(cls)
# yield 'SLD', EMQ(cls)
survey_y = './data/survey_y.csv'
Atr, Xtr, ytr = load_csv(survey_y, use_yhat=True)
preprocessor = Preprocessor()
Xtr = preprocessor.fit_transform(Xtr)
data = get_dataset_by_area(Atr, Xtr, ytr)
n_areas = len(data)
areas = [Ai for Ai, _, _ in data]
q_names = [q_name for q_name, _ in quantifiers()]
Madj = AdjMatrix('./data/matrice_adiacenza.csv')
tables = []
text_outputs = []
benchmarks = [f'te-{Ai}' for Ai in areas] # areas used as test
for aggr in ['median', 'mean']:
# areas on which a quantifier is trained, e.g., 'PACC-w/o46' means a PACC quantifier
# has been trained on all areas but 46
methods = [f'{q_name}-{aggr}' for q_name in q_names]
table = Table(name=f'adjacent{aggr}optim', benchmarks=benchmarks, methods=methods, stat_test=None, color_mode='local')
table.format.mean_prec = 4
table.format.show_std = False
table.format.sta = False
table.format.remove_zero = True
for q_name, q in quantifiers():
for i, (Ai, Xi, yi) in tqdm(enumerate(data), total=n_areas):
# compose members of the rule (quantifiers are optimized wrt the rest of the areas)
other_area = [(Aj, Xj, yj) for Aj, Xj, yj in data if Aj != Ai]
area_quantifiers = optimize_ensemble(other_area, q, Madj)
rule = AggregationRule(area_quantifiers, adjacent_matrix=Madj, aggr=aggr)
te = LabelledCollection(Xi, yi)
qp.environ["SAMPLE_SIZE"] = len(te)
pred_prev = rule.predict(Ai, te.X)
true_prev = te.prevalence()
err = qp.error.mae(true_prev, pred_prev)
method_name = f'{q_name}-{aggr}'
table.add(benchmark=f'te-{Ai}', method=method_name, v=err)
# text_outputs.append(f'{q_name} got mean {table.all_mean():.5f}, best mean {table.get_method_values("Best").mean():.5f}')
Table.LatexPDF(f'./results/adjacentaggregationoptim/doc.pdf', tables)
# with open(f'./results/classifier/output.txt', 'tw') as foo:
# foo.write('\n'.join(text_outputs))
@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV
from import LabelledCollection
from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as MLPE
from quapy.method.aggregative import CC, PCC, ACC, PACC, EMQ
from commons import *
from table import Table
from tqdm import tqdm
import quapy as qp
def classifier():
return LogisticRegressionCV()
def quantifiers():
cls = classifier()
yield 'MLPE', MLPE()
yield 'CC', CC(cls)
yield 'PCC', PCC(cls)
yield 'ACC', ACC(cls)
yield 'PACC', PACC(cls)
yield 'SLD', EMQ(cls)
survey_y = './data/survey_y.csv'
Atr, Xtr, ytr = load_csv(survey_y, use_yhat=True)
preprocessor = Preprocessor()
Xtr = preprocessor.fit_transform(Xtr)
data = get_dataset_by_area(Atr, Xtr, ytr)
n_areas = len(data)
areas = [Ai for Ai, _, _ in data]
q_names = [q_name for q_name, _ in quantifiers()]
# tables = []
text_outputs = []
benchmarks = [f'te-{Ai}' for Ai in areas] # areas used as test
# areas on which a quantifier is trained, e.g., 'PACC-w/o46' means a PACC quantifier
# has been trained on all areas but 46
methods = [f'{q_name}-cat' for q_name in q_names]
table = Table(name='allconcat', benchmarks=benchmarks, methods=methods, stat_test=None, color_mode='local')
table.format.mean_prec = 4
table.format.show_std = False
table.format.sta = False
table.format.remove_zero = True
for q_name, q in quantifiers():
for i, (Ai, Xi, yi) in tqdm(enumerate(data), total=n_areas):
trainings = [LabelledCollection(Xj, yj) for Aj, Xj, yj in data if Aj!=Ai]
tr = LabelledCollection.join(*trainings)
te = LabelledCollection(Xi, yi)
qp.environ["SAMPLE_SIZE"] = len(te)
pred_prev = q.quantify(te.X)
true_prev = te.prevalence()
err = qp.error.mae(true_prev, pred_prev)
method_name = f'{q_name}-cat'
table.add(benchmark=f'te-{Ai}', method=method_name, v=err)
# text_outputs.append(f'{q_name} got mean {table.all_mean():.5f}, best mean {table.get_method_values("Best").mean():.5f}')
Table.LatexPDF(f'./results/allconcat/doc.pdf', [table])
# with open(f'./results/classifier/output.txt', 'tw') as foo:
# foo.write('\n'.join(text_outputs))
@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV
from Census.methods import AreaQuantifier, AggregationRule
from import LabelledCollection
from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as MLPE
from quapy.method.aggregative import CC, PCC, ACC, PACC, EMQ
from commons import *
from table import Table
from tqdm import tqdm
import quapy as qp
from copy import deepcopy
def classifier():
return LogisticRegressionCV()
def quantifiers():
cls = classifier()
yield 'MLPE', MLPE()
yield 'CC', CC(cls)
yield 'PCC', PCC(cls)
yield 'ACC', ACC(cls)
yield 'PACC', PACC(cls)
yield 'SLD', EMQ(cls)
survey_y = './data/survey_y.csv'
Atr, Xtr, ytr = load_csv(survey_y, use_yhat=True)
preprocessor = Preprocessor()
Xtr = preprocessor.fit_transform(Xtr)
data = get_dataset_by_area(Atr, Xtr, ytr)
n_areas = len(data)
areas = [Ai for Ai, _, _ in data]
q_names = [q_name for q_name, _ in quantifiers()]
tables = []
text_outputs = []
benchmarks = [f'te-{Ai}' for Ai in areas] # areas used as test
for aggr in ['median', 'mean']:
# areas on which a quantifier is trained, e.g., 'PACC-w/o46' means a PACC quantifier
# has been trained on all areas but 46
methods = [f'{q_name}-{aggr}' for q_name in q_names]
table = Table(name=f'all{aggr}', benchmarks=benchmarks, methods=methods, stat_test=None, color_mode='local')
table.format.mean_prec = 4
table.format.show_std = False
table.format.sta = False
table.format.remove_zero = True
for q_name, q in quantifiers():
# pretrain quantifiers per area
pretrained_area_q = []
for i, (Ai, Xi, yi) in tqdm(enumerate(data), total=n_areas):
q_i = deepcopy(q)
||||, yi))
pretrained_area_q.append(AreaQuantifier(Ai, q_i))
for i, (Ai, Xi, yi) in tqdm(enumerate(data), total=n_areas):
# compose members of the rule (quantifiers are already fit)
area_quantifiers = [qA_j for qA_j in pretrained_area_q if qA_j.area != Ai]
rule = AggregationRule(area_quantifiers, aggr=aggr)
te = LabelledCollection(Xi, yi)
qp.environ["SAMPLE_SIZE"] = len(te)
pred_prev = rule.predict(Ai, te.X)
true_prev = te.prevalence()
err = qp.error.mae(true_prev, pred_prev)
method_name = f'{q_name}-{aggr}'
table.add(benchmark=f'te-{Ai}', method=method_name, v=err)
# text_outputs.append(f'{q_name} got mean {table.all_mean():.5f}, best mean {table.get_method_values("Best").mean():.5f}')
Table.LatexPDF(f'./results/allaggregation/doc.pdf', tables)
# with open(f'./results/classifier/output.txt', 'tw') as foo:
# foo.write('\n'.join(text_outputs))
@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
import numpy as np
from sklearn.svm import SVC
from commons import *
from table import Table
def classifiers():
yield 'LR-opt', LogisticRegressionCV(class_weight='balanced', Cs=10)
yield 'LR-def', LogisticRegressionCV()
yield 'SVM-linear', LinearSVC()
yield 'SVM-rbf', SVC(kernel='rbf')
survey_y = './data/survey_y.csv'
Atr, Xtr, ytr = load_csv(survey_y, use_yhat=True)
preprocessor = Preprocessor()
Xtr = preprocessor.fit_transform(Xtr)
trains = get_dataset_by_area(Atr, Xtr, ytr)
n_areas = len(trains)
areas = [Ai for Ai, _, _ in trains]
tables = []
text_outputs = []
benchmarks = [f'te-{Ai}' for Ai in areas] # areas used as test
methods = [f'tr-{Ai}' for Ai in areas] # areas on which a quantifier is trained
for cls_name, c in classifiers():
table = Table(name=cls_name, benchmarks=benchmarks, methods=methods, stat_test=None, color_mode='local', lower_is_better=False)
table.format.mean_prec = 4
table.format.show_std = False
table.format.sta = False
table.format.remove_zero = True
for i, (Ai, Xi, yi) in tqdm(enumerate(trains), total=n_areas):
||||, yi)
for j, (Aj, Xj, yj) in enumerate(trains):
if i==j: continue
pred_labels = c.predict(Xj)
true_labels = yj
acc = (pred_labels==true_labels).mean()
table.add(benchmark=f'te-{Aj}', method=f'tr-{Ai}', v=acc)
for test in benchmarks:
values = table.get_benchmark_values(test)
table.add(benchmark=test, method='Best', v=max(values))
table.add(benchmark=test, method='Worst', v=min(values))
table.add(benchmark=test, method='AVE', v=np.mean(values))
text_outputs.append(f'{cls_name} got mean {table.all_mean():.5f}')
Table.LatexPDF(f'./results/classifier/doc.pdf', tables)
with open(f'./results/classifier/output.txt', 'tw') as foo:
@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
def load_csv(file, use_yhat=True):
df = pd.read_csv(file)
cod_area = 'cod.prov'
if use_yhat:
covariates = ['owner', 'eta', 'work', 'sex', 'year_edu', 'hsize', 'y.hat', 'prob']
covariates = ['owner', 'eta', 'work', 'sex', 'year_edu', 'hsize', 'prob']
y_true = 'y.true'
X = df[covariates].values
A = df[cod_area].values
# for i, cov in enumerate(covariates):
# print(f'values of col {i} "{cov}" {np.unique(X[:,i])}')
if y_true in df.columns:
y = df[y_true].values
return A, X, y
return A, X
def get_dataset_by_area(A, X, y=None):
data = []
for area in np.unique(A):
sel = (A == area)
Xsel = X[sel]
if y is not None:
ysel = y[sel]
ysel = None
data.append((area, Xsel, ysel))
return data
class AdjMatrix:
def __init__(self, path):
df = pd.read_csv(path)
area_codes = df.columns[1:].values
area_codes = np.asarray([int(c) for c in area_codes])
values = df.values[:, 1:]
self.area2idx = {area:i for i, area in enumerate(area_codes)}
self.idx2area = area_codes
self.M = np.asarray(values)
def adjacent(self, cod_1, cod_2):
idx1 = self.area2idx[cod_1]
idx2 = self.area2idx[cod_2]
return (self.M[idx1, idx2] == 1)
def get_adjacent(self, cod):
idx = self.area2idx[cod]
idx_adj = np.argwhere(self.M[idx]==1).flatten()
return self.idx2area[idx_adj]
class Preprocessor:
def __init__(self):
self.scaler = StandardScaler()
# self.standardize_col_ids = np.asarray([1, 4, 5]) # eta, year_edu, hsize
self.standardize_col_ids = np.arange(8) # everything
def fit(self, X, y=None):
Xsel = X[:, self.standardize_col_ids]
return self
def transform(self, X):
Xsel = X[:, self.standardize_col_ids]
Xsel_zscore = self.scaler.transform(Xsel)
X[:, self.standardize_col_ids] = Xsel_zscore
return X
def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
return, y).transform(X)
@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation a
from quapy.method.aggregative import EMQ, PACC, CC, PCC, MS2, MS, ACC
from import LabelledCollection
from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from commons import *
@ -16,67 +17,6 @@ np.set_printoptions(linewidth=np.inf)
cens_y = './data/cens_y.csv'
survey_y = './data/survey_y.csv'
def load_csv(file, use_yhat=True):
df = pd.read_csv(file)
cod_area = 'cod.prov'
if use_yhat:
covariates = ['owner', 'eta', 'work', 'sex', 'year_edu', 'hsize', 'y.hat', 'prob']
covariates = ['owner', 'eta', 'work', 'sex', 'year_edu', 'hsize', 'prob']
y_true = 'y.true'
X = df[covariates].values
A = df[cod_area].values
for i, cov in enumerate(covariates):
print(f'values of col {i} "{cov}" {np.unique(X[:,i])}')
if y_true in df.columns:
y = df[y_true].values
return A, X, y
return A, X
def get_dataset_by_area(A, X, y=None):
lc = []
for area in np.unique(A):
sel = (A == area)
Xsel = X[sel]
if y is not None:
ysel = y[sel]
ysel = None
lc.append((area, Xsel, ysel))
return lc
class Preprocessor:
def __init__(self):
self.scaler = StandardScaler()
# self.standardize_col_ids = np.asarray([1, 4, 5]) # eta, year_edu, hsize
self.standardize_col_ids = np.arange(8) # everything
def fit(self, X, y=None):
Xsel = X[:, self.standardize_col_ids]
return self
def transform(self, X):
Xsel = X[:, self.standardize_col_ids]
Xsel_zscore = self.scaler.transform(Xsel)
X[:, self.standardize_col_ids] = Xsel_zscore
return X
def fit_transform(self, X, y=None):
return, y).transform(X)
# Ate, Xte = load_csv(cens_y)
Atr, Xtr, ytr = load_csv(survey_y, use_yhat=True)
@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from copy import deepcopy
from typing import List, Iterable
import numpy as np
import quapy as qp
from quapy.method.aggregative import AggregativeQuantifier
from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as MLPE
from import LabelledCollection
from quapy.method.base import BaseQuantifier
class AreaQuantifier:
def __init__(self, area:int, quantifier: BaseQuantifier):
self.area = area
self.quantifier = quantifier
def quantify(self, X):
return self.quantifier.quantify(X)
class CombinationRule(ABC):
def __init__(self, area_quantifiers: List[AreaQuantifier]):
self.area_quantifiers = area_quantifiers
def select_quantifiers(self, area:int, X):
def combination(self, choice, X):
def predict(self, area:int, X):
choice = self.select_quantifiers(area, X)
prevalence = self.combination(choice, X)
return prevalence
def optimize_ensemble(area_data: Iterable, q: BaseQuantifier, Madj=None, hyper=None, error='mae'):
if hyper is None:
hyper = {
'classifier__C': np.logspace(-4, 4, 9),
'classifier__class_weight': ['balanced', None]
labelled_collections = [(A, LabelledCollection(X, y)) for A, X, y in area_data]
area_quantifiers = []
for A, lc in labelled_collections:
if Madj is None:
rest = [lc_j for Aj, lc_j in labelled_collections if Aj != A]
rest = [lc_j for Aj, lc_j in labelled_collections if Aj != A and Aj in Madj.get_adjacent(A)]
q = optim(q, lc, rest, hyper, error)
area_quantifiers.append(AreaQuantifier(A, q))
return area_quantifiers
class AggregationRule(CombinationRule):
def __init__(self, area_quantifiers: List[AreaQuantifier], adjacent_matrix: 'AdjMatrix' = None, aggr='median'):
assert aggr in ['mean', 'median'], f'unknown {aggr=}'
self.area_quantifiers = area_quantifiers
self.adjacent_matrix = adjacent_matrix
self.aggr = aggr
def select_quantifiers(self, area:int, X):
if self.adjacent_matrix is None:
chosen = self.area_quantifiers
adjacent = self.adjacent_matrix.get_adjacent(area)
chosen = [q_i for q_i in self.area_quantifiers if q_i.area in adjacent]
return chosen
def combination(self, choice, X):
prevs = np.asarray([q.quantify(X) for q in choice])
if self.aggr == 'median':
prev = np.median(prevs, axis=0)
elif self.aggr == 'mean':
prev = np.mean(prevs, axis=0)
raise NotImplementedError(f'{self.aggr=} not implemented')
return prev
def optim(q: BaseQuantifier, train: LabelledCollection, labelled_collections: Iterable[LabelledCollection], hyper:dict, error='mae'):
q = deepcopy(q)
prot = qp.protocol.IterateProtocol(labelled_collections)
mod_sel = qp.model_selection.GridSearchQ(
fitted = mod_sel.best_model_
except ValueError:
print(f'method {q} failed; training without model selection')
fitted =
return fitted
@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegressionCV
from import LabelledCollection
from quapy.method.non_aggregative import MaximumLikelihoodPrevalenceEstimation as MLPE
from quapy.method.aggregative import CC, PCC, ACC, PACC, EMQ
from commons import *
from table import Table
from tqdm import tqdm
import quapy as qp
def classifier():
#return LogisticRegressionCV(class_weight='balanced', Cs=10)
return LogisticRegressionCV()
def quantifiers():
cls = classifier()
yield 'MLPE', MLPE()
yield 'CC', CC(cls)
yield 'PCC', PCC(cls)
yield 'ACC', ACC(cls)
yield 'PACC', PACC(cls)
survey_y = './data/survey_y.csv'
Atr, Xtr, ytr = load_csv(survey_y, use_yhat=True)
preprocessor = Preprocessor()
Xtr = preprocessor.fit_transform(Xtr)
trains = get_dataset_by_area(Atr, Xtr, ytr)
n_areas = len(trains)
areas = [Ai for Ai, _, _ in trains]
tables = []
text_outputs = []
benchmarks = [f'te-{Ai}' for Ai in areas] # areas used as test
methods = [f'tr-{Ai}' for Ai in areas] # areas on which a quantifier is trained
for q_name, q in quantifiers():
table = Table(name=q_name, benchmarks=benchmarks, methods=methods, stat_test=None, color_mode='global')
table.format.mean_prec = 4
table.format.show_std = False
table.format.sta = False
table.format.remove_zero = True
table.with_mean = True
for i, (Ai, Xi, yi) in tqdm(enumerate(trains), total=n_areas):
tr = LabelledCollection(Xi, yi)
len_tr = len(tr)
for j, (Aj, Xj, yj) in enumerate(trains):
if i==j: continue
te = LabelledCollection(Xj, yj)
qp.environ["SAMPLE_SIZE"] = len(te)
pred_prev = q.quantify(te.X)
true_prev = te.prevalence()
# err = qp.error.mrae(true_prev, pred_prev)
err = qp.error.mae(true_prev, pred_prev)
table.add(benchmark=f'te-{Aj}', method=f'tr-{Ai}', v=err)
for test in benchmarks:
values = table.get_benchmark_values(test)
table.add(benchmark=test, method='Best', v=min(values))
text_outputs.append(f'{q_name} got mean {table.all_mean():.5f}, best mean {table.get_method_values("Best").mean():.5f}')
Table.LatexPDF(f'./results/pairwise/doc.pdf', tables)
with open(f'./results/classifier/output.txt', 'tw') as foo:
@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
import numpy as np
from typing import Union, List
from import Iterable
from dataclasses import dataclass
from scipy.stats import wilcoxon, ttest_ind_from_stats
import pandas as pd
import os
from pathlib import Path
class CellFormat:
mean_prec: int = 3
std_prec: int = 3
show_std: bool = True
remove_zero: bool = False
color: bool = True
maxtone: int = 50
class Cell:
def __init__(self, format: CellFormat, group: 'CellGroup'):
self.values = []
self.format = format
|||| = group
def __len__(self):
return len(self.values)
def mean(self):
if self.mean_ is None:
self.mean_ = np.mean(self.values)
return self.mean_
def std(self):
if self.std_ is None:
self.std_ = np.std(self.values)
return self.std_
def touch(self):
self.mean_ = None
self.std_ = None
def append(self, v: Union[float,Iterable]):
if isinstance(v, Iterable):
def isEmpty(self):
return len(self)==0
def isBest(self):
best =
if best is not None:
return (best == self) or (np.isclose(best.mean(), self.mean()))
return False
def print_mean(self):
if self.isEmpty():
return ''
return f'{self.mean():.{self.format.mean_prec}f}'
def print(self):
if self.isEmpty():
return ''
# mean
# ---------------------------------------------------
mean = self.print_mean()
if self.format.remove_zero:
mean = mean.replace('0.', '.')
# std ?
# ---------------------------------------------------
if self.format.show_std:
std = f' $\pm$ {self.std():.{self.format.std_prec}f}'
std = ''
# bold or statistical test
# ---------------------------------------------------
if self.isBest():
str_cell = f'\\textbf{{{mean}{std}}}'
comp_symbol = ''
pval =
if pval is not None:
if 0.005 > pval:
comp_symbol = ''
elif 0.05 > pval >= 0.005:
comp_symbol = '$^{\dag}$'
elif pval >= 0.05:
comp_symbol = '${\ddag}$'
str_cell = f'{mean}{comp_symbol}{std}'
# color ?
# ---------------------------------------------------
if self.format.color:
str_cell += ' ' +
return str_cell
class CellGroup:
def __init__(self, lower_is_better=True, stat_test='wilcoxon', color_mode='local', color_global_min=None, color_global_max=None):
assert stat_test in ['wilcoxon', 'ttest', None], \
f"unknown {stat_test=}, valid ones are wilcoxon, ttest, or None"
assert color_mode in ['local', 'global'], \
f"unknown {color_mode=}, valid ones are local and global"
if (color_global_min is not None or color_global_max is not None) and color_mode=='local':
print('warning: color_global_min and color_global_max are only considered when color_mode==local')
self.cells = []
self.lower_is_better = lower_is_better
self.stat_test = stat_test
self.color_mode = color_mode
self.color_global_min = color_global_min
self.color_global_max = color_global_max
def register_cell(self, cell: Cell):
def non_empty_cells(self):
return [c for c in self.cells if not c.isEmpty()]
def max(self):
cells = self.non_empty_cells()
if len(cells)>0:
return cells[np.argmax([c.mean() for c in cells])]
return None
def min(self):
cells = self.non_empty_cells()
if len(cells) > 0:
return cells[np.argmin([c.mean() for c in cells])]
return None
def best(self) -> Cell:
return self.min() if self.lower_is_better else self.max()
def worst(self) -> Cell:
return self.max() if self.lower_is_better else self.min()
def isEmpty(self):
return len(self.non_empty_cells())==0
def compare(self, cell: Cell):
best =
best_n = len(best)
cell_n = len(cell)
if best_n > 0 and cell_n > 0:
if self.stat_test == 'wilcoxon':
_, p_val = wilcoxon(best.values, cell.values)
except ValueError:
p_val = None
return p_val
elif self.stat_test == 'ttest':
best_mean, best_std = best.mean(), best.std()
cell_mean, cell_std = cell.mean(), cell.std()
_, p_val = ttest_ind_from_stats(best_mean, best_std, best_n, cell_mean, cell_std, cell_n)
return p_val
elif self.stat_test is None:
return None
raise ValueError(f'unknown statistical test {self.stat_test}')
return None
def color(self, cell: Cell):
cell_mean = cell.mean()
if self.color_mode == 'local':
best =
worst = self.worst()
best_mean = best.mean()
worst_mean = worst.mean()
if best is None or worst is None or best_mean == worst_mean or cell.isEmpty():
return ''
# normalize val in [0,1]
maxval = max(best_mean, worst_mean)
minval = min(best_mean, worst_mean)
maxval = self.color_global_max
minval = self.color_global_min
normval = (cell_mean - minval) / (maxval - minval)
if self.lower_is_better:
normval = 1 - normval
normval = np.clip(normval, 0, 1)
normval = normval * 2 - 1 # rescale to [-1,1]
if normval < 0:
color = 'red'
tone = cell.format.maxtone * (-normval)
color = 'green'
tone = cell.format.maxtone * normval
return f'\cellcolor{{{color}!{int(tone)}}}'
class Table:
def __init__(self,
|||| = name
self.benchmarks = [] if benchmarks is None else benchmarks
self.methods = [] if methods is None else methods
self.format = format if format is not None else CellFormat()
self.lower_is_better = lower_is_better
self.stat_test = stat_test
self.color_mode = color_mode
self.with_mean = with_mean
self.only_full_mean = True # if False, compute the mean of partially empty methods also
if self.color_mode == 'global':
self.color_global_min = 0
self.color_global_max = 1
self.color_global_min = None
self.color_global_max = None
self.T = {}
self.groups = {}
def add(self, benchmark, method, v):
cell = self.get(benchmark, method)
def get_benchmarks(self):
return self.benchmarks
def get_methods(self):
return self.methods
def n_benchmarks(self):
return len(self.benchmarks)
def n_methods(self):
return len(self.methods)
def _new_group(self):
return CellGroup(self.lower_is_better, self.stat_test, color_mode=self.color_mode,
color_global_max=self.color_global_max, color_global_min=self.color_global_min)
def get(self, benchmark, method) -> Cell:
if benchmark not in self.benchmarks:
if benchmark not in self.groups:
self.groups[benchmark] = self._new_group()
if method not in self.methods:
b_idx = self.benchmarks.index(benchmark)
m_idx = self.methods.index(method)
idx = tuple((b_idx, m_idx))
if idx not in self.T:
self.T[idx] = Cell(self.format, group=self.groups[benchmark])
cell = self.T[idx]
return cell
def get_value(self, benchmark, method) -> float:
return self.get(benchmark, method).mean()
def get_benchmark(self, benchmark):
cells = [self.get(benchmark, method=m) for m in self.get_methods()]
cells = [c for c in cells if not c.isEmpty()]
return cells
def get_method(self, method):
cells = [self.get(benchmark=b, method=method) for b in self.get_benchmarks()]
cells = [c for c in cells if not c.isEmpty()]
return cells
def get_method_means(self, method_order):
mean_group = self._new_group()
cells = []
for method in method_order:
method_mean = Cell(self.format, group=mean_group)
for bench in self.get_benchmarks():
mean_value = self.get_value(benchmark=bench, method=method)
if not np.isnan(mean_value):
return cells
def get_benchmark_values(self, benchmark):
values = np.asarray([c.mean() for c in self.get_benchmark(benchmark)])
return values
def get_method_values(self, method):
values = np.asarray([c.mean() for c in self.get_method(method)])
return values
def all_mean(self):
values = [c.mean() for c in self.T.values() if not c.isEmpty()]
return np.mean(values)
def print(self): # todo: missing method names?
data_dict = {}
data_dict['Benchmark'] = [b for b in self.get_benchmarks()]
for method in self.get_methods():
data_dict[method] = [self.get(bench, method).print_mean() for bench in self.get_benchmarks()]
df = pd.DataFrame(data_dict)
pd.set_option('display.max_columns', None)
pd.set_option('display.max_rows', None)
def tabular(self, path=None, benchmark_replace=None, method_replace=None, benchmark_order=None, method_order=None, transpose=False):
if benchmark_replace is None:
benchmark_replace = {}
if method_replace is None:
method_replace = {}
if benchmark_order is None:
benchmark_order = self.get_benchmarks()
if method_order is None:
method_order = self.get_methods()
if transpose:
row_order, row_replace = method_order, method_replace
col_order, col_replace = benchmark_order, benchmark_replace
row_order, row_replace = benchmark_order, benchmark_replace
col_order, col_replace = method_order, method_replace
n_cols = len(col_order)
add_mean_col = self.with_mean and transpose
add_mean_row = self.with_mean and not transpose
last_col_idx = n_cols+2 if add_mean_col else n_cols+1
if self.with_mean:
mean_cells = self.get_method_means(method_order)
lines = []
lines.append('\\begin{tabular}{|c' + '|c' * n_cols + ('||c' if add_mean_col else '') + "|}")
l = '\multicolumn{1}{c|}{} & '
l += ' & '.join([col_replace.get(col, col) for col in col_order])
if add_mean_col:
l += ' & Ave.'
l += ' \\\\\\hline'
for i, row in enumerate(row_order):
rowname = row_replace.get(row, row)
l = rowname + ' & '
l += ' & '.join([
self.get(benchmark=col if transpose else row, method=row if transpose else col).print()
for col in col_order
if add_mean_col:
l+= ' & ' + mean_cells[i].print()
l += ' \\\\\\hline'
if add_mean_row:
l = 'Ave. & '
l+= ' & '.join([mean_cell.print() for mean_cell in mean_cells])
l += ' \\\\\\hline'
tabular_tex = '\n'.join(lines)
if path is not None:
parent = Path(path).parent
if parent:
os.makedirs(parent, exist_ok=True)
with open(path, 'wt') as foo:
return tabular_tex
def table(self, tabular_path, benchmark_replace=None, method_replace=None, resizebox=True, caption=None, label=None, benchmark_order=None, method_order=None, transpose=False):
if benchmark_replace is None:
benchmark_replace = {}
if method_replace is None:
method_replace = {}
lines = []
if resizebox:
tabular_str = self.tabular(tabular_path, benchmark_replace, method_replace, benchmark_order, method_order, transpose)
if tabular_path is None:
if resizebox:
if caption is None:
caption = tabular_path.replace('_', '\_')
if label is not None:
table_tex = '\n'.join(lines)
return table_tex
def document(self, tex_path, tabular_dir='tables', *args, **kwargs):
Table.Document(tex_path, tables=[self], tabular_dir=tabular_dir, *args, **kwargs)
def latexPDF(self, pdf_path, tabular_dir='tables', *args, **kwargs):
return Table.LatexPDF(pdf_path, tables=[self], tabular_dir=tabular_dir, *args, **kwargs)
def Document(self, tex_path, tables:List['Table'], tabular_dir='tables', *args, **kwargs):
lines = []
for table in tables:
lines.append(table.table(os.path.join(Path(tex_path).parent, tabular_dir, + '_table.tex'), *args, **kwargs))
document = '\n'.join(lines)
parent = Path(tex_path).parent
if parent:
os.makedirs(parent, exist_ok=True)
with open(tex_path, 'wt') as foo:
return document
def LatexPDF(cls, pdf_path: str, tables:List['Table'], tabular_dir: str = 'tables', *args, **kwargs):
assert pdf_path.endswith('.pdf'), f'{pdf_path=} does not seem a valid name for a pdf file'
tex_path = pdf_path.replace('.pdf', '.tex')
cls.Document(tex_path, tables, tabular_dir, *args, **kwargs)
dir = Path(pdf_path).parent
pwd = os.getcwd()
print('currently in', pwd)
print("[Tables Done] runing latex")
os.system('pdflatex ' + Path(tex_path).name)
basename = Path(tex_path).name.replace('.tex', '')
os.system(f'rm {basename}.aux {basename}.bbl {basename}.blg {basename}.log {basename}.out {basename}.dvi')
@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from Census.commons import AdjMatrix, load_csv, get_dataset_by_area
census = './data/cens_y.csv'
Areas, X = load_csv(census, use_yhat=True)
data = get_dataset_by_area(Areas, X)
areas = [a for a, *_ in data]
print(f'Area codes={areas}')
A = AdjMatrix('./data/matrice_adiacenza.csv')
print(A.adjacent(45, 46))
Reference in New Issue