# Evaluation Quantification is an appealing tool in scenarios of dataset shift, and particularly in scenarios of prior-probability shift. That is, the interest in estimating the class prevalences arises under the belief that those class prevalences might have changed with respect to the ones observed during training. In other words, one could simply return the training prevalence as a predictor of the test prevalence if this change is assumed to be unlikely (as is the case in general scenarios of machine learning governed by the iid assumption). In brief, quantification requires dedicated evaluation protocols, which are implemented in QuaPy and explained here. ## Error Measures The module quapy.error implements the following error measures for quantification: * _mae_: mean absolute error * _mrae_: mean relative absolute error * _mse_: mean squared error * _mkld_: mean Kullback-Leibler Divergence * _mnkld_: mean normalized Kullback-Leibler Divergence Functions _ae_, _rae_, _se_, _kld_, and _nkld_ are also available, which return the individual errors (i.e., without averaging the whole). Some errors of classification are also available: * _acce_: accuracy error (1-accuracy) * _f1e_: F-1 score error (1-F1 score) The error functions implement the following interface, e.g.: ```python mae(true_prevs, prevs_hat) ``` in which the first argument is a ndarray containing the true prevalences, and the second argument is another ndarray with the estimations produced by some method. Some error functions, e.g., _mrae_, _mkld_, and _mnkld_, are smoothed for numerical stability. In those cases, there is a third argument, e.g.: ```python def mrae(true_prevs, prevs_hat, eps=None): ... ``` indicating the value for the smoothing parameter epsilon. Traditionally, this value is set to 1/(2T) in past literature, with T the sampling size. One could either pass this value to the function each time, or to set a QuaPy's environment variable _SAMPLE_SIZE_ once, and omit this argument thereafter (recommended); e.g.: ```python qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = 100 # once for all true_prev = np.asarray([0.5, 0.3, 0.2]) # let's assume 3 classes estim_prev = np.asarray([0.1, 0.3, 0.6]) error = qp.error.mrae(true_prev, estim_prev) print(f'mrae({true_prev}, {estim_prev}) = {error:.3f}') ``` will print: ``` mrae([0.500, 0.300, 0.200], [0.100, 0.300, 0.600]) = 0.914 ``` Finally, it is possible to instantiate QuaPy's quantification error functions from strings using, e.g.: ```python error_function = qp.error.from_name('mse') error = error_function(true_prev, estim_prev) ``` ## Evaluation Protocols An _evaluation protocol_ is an evaluation procedure that uses one specific _sample generation procotol_ to genereate many samples, typically characterized by widely varying amounts of _shift_ with respect to the original distribution, that are then used to evaluate the performance of a (trained) quantifier. These protocols are explained in more detail in a dedicated [entry in the wiki](Protocols.md). For the moment being, let us assume we already have chosen and instantiated one specific such protocol, that we here simply call _prot_. Let also assume our model is called _quantifier_ and that our evaluatio measure of choice is _mae_. The evaluation comes down to: ```python mae = qp.evaluation.evaluate(quantifier, protocol=prot, error_metric='mae') print(f'MAE = {mae:.4f}') ``` It is often desirable to evaluate our system using more than one single evaluatio measure. In this case, it is convenient to generate a _report_. A report in QuaPy is a dataframe accounting for all the true prevalence values with their corresponding prevalence values as estimated by the quantifier, along with the error each has given rise. ```python report = qp.evaluation.evaluation_report(quantifier, protocol=prot, error_metrics=['mae', 'mrae', 'mkld']) ``` From a pandas' dataframe, it is straightforward to visualize all the results, and compute the averaged values, e.g.: ```python pd.set_option('display.expand_frame_repr', False) report['estim-prev'] = report['estim-prev'].map(F.strprev) print(report) print('Averaged values:') print(report.mean()) ``` This will produce an output like: ``` true-prev estim-prev mae mrae mkld 0 [0.308, 0.692] [0.314, 0.686] 0.005649 0.013182 0.000074 1 [0.896, 0.104] [0.909, 0.091] 0.013145 0.069323 0.000985 2 [0.848, 0.152] [0.809, 0.191] 0.039063 0.149806 0.005175 3 [0.016, 0.984] [0.033, 0.967] 0.017236 0.487529 0.005298 4 [0.728, 0.272] [0.751, 0.249] 0.022769 0.057146 0.001350 ... ... ... ... ... ... 4995 [0.72, 0.28] [0.698, 0.302] 0.021752 0.053631 0.001133 4996 [0.868, 0.132] [0.888, 0.112] 0.020490 0.088230 0.001985 4997 [0.292, 0.708] [0.298, 0.702] 0.006149 0.014788 0.000090 4998 [0.24, 0.76] [0.220, 0.780] 0.019950 0.054309 0.001127 4999 [0.948, 0.052] [0.965, 0.035] 0.016941 0.165776 0.003538 [5000 rows x 5 columns] Averaged values: mae 0.023588 mrae 0.108779 mkld 0.003631 dtype: float64 Process finished with exit code 0 ``` Alternatively, we can simply generate all the predictions by: ```python true_prevs, estim_prevs = qp.evaluation.prediction(quantifier, protocol=prot) ``` All the evaluation functions implement specific optimizations for speeding-up the evaluation of aggregative quantifiers (i.e., of instances of _AggregativeQuantifier_). The optimization comes down to generating classification predictions (either crisp or soft) only once for the entire test set, and then applying the sampling procedure to the predictions, instead of generating samples of instances and then computing the classification predictions every time. This is only possible when the protocol is an instance of _OnLabelledCollectionProtocol_. The optimization is only carried out when the number of classification predictions thus generated would be smaller than the number of predictions required for the entire protocol; e.g., if the original dataset contains 1M instances, but the protocol is such that it would at most generate 20 samples of 100 instances, then it would be preferable to postpone the classification for each sample. This behaviour is indicated by setting _aggr_speedup="auto"_. Conversely, when indicating _aggr_speedup="force"_ QuaPy will precompute all the predictions irrespectively of the number of instances and number of samples. Finally, this can be deactivated by setting _aggr_speedup=False_. Note that this optimization is not only applied for the final evaluation, but also for the internal evaluations carried out during _model selection_. Since these are typically many, the heuristic can help reduce the execution time a lot.