import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import dok_matrix from tqdm import tqdm def from_text(path, encoding='utf-8', verbose=1, class2int=True): """ Reads a labelled colletion of documents. File fomart <0 or 1>\t<document>\n :param path: path to the labelled collection :param encoding: the text encoding used to open the file :param verbose: if >0 (default) shows some progress information in standard output :return: a list of sentences, and a list of labels """ all_sentences, all_labels = [], [] if verbose>0: file = tqdm(open(path, 'rt', encoding=encoding).readlines(), f'loading {path}') else: file = open(path, 'rt', encoding=encoding).readlines() for line in file: line = line.strip() if line: try: label, sentence = line.split('\t') sentence = sentence.strip() if class2int: label = int(label) if sentence: all_sentences.append(sentence) all_labels.append(label) except ValueError: print(f'format error in {line}') return all_sentences, all_labels def from_sparse(path): """ Reads a labelled collection of real-valued instances expressed in sparse format File format <-1 or 0 or 1>[\s col(int):val(float)]\n :param path: path to the labelled collection :return: a `csr_matrix` containing the instances (rows), and a ndarray containing the labels """ def split_col_val(col_val): col, val = col_val.split(':') col, val = int(col) - 1, float(val) return col, val all_documents, all_labels = [], [] max_col = 0 for line in tqdm(open(path, 'rt').readlines(), f'loading {path}'): parts = line.strip().split() if parts: all_labels.append(int(parts[0])) cols, vals = zip(*[split_col_val(col_val) for col_val in parts[1:]]) cols, vals = np.asarray(cols), np.asarray(vals) max_col = max(max_col, cols.max()) all_documents.append((cols, vals)) n_docs = len(all_labels) X = dok_matrix((n_docs, max_col + 1), dtype=float) for i, (cols, vals) in tqdm(enumerate(all_documents), total=len(all_documents), desc=f'\-- filling matrix of shape {X.shape}'): X[i, cols] = vals X = X.tocsr() y = np.asarray(all_labels) + 1 return X, y def from_csv(path, encoding='utf-8'): """ Reads a csv file in which columns are separated by ','. File format <label>,<feat1>,<feat2>,...,<featn>\n :param path: path to the csv file :param encoding: the text encoding used to open the file :return: a np.ndarray for the labels and a ndarray (float) for the covariates """ X, y = [], [] for instance in tqdm(open(path, 'rt', encoding=encoding).readlines(), desc=f'reading {path}'): yi, *xi = instance.strip().split(',') X.append(list(map(float,xi))) y.append(yi) X = np.asarray(X) y = np.asarray(y) return X, y def reindex_labels(y): """ Re-indexes a list of labels as a list of indexes, and returns the classnames corresponding to the indexes. E.g.: >>> reindex_labels(['B', 'B', 'A', 'C']) >>> (array([1, 1, 0, 2]), array(['A', 'B', 'C'], dtype='<U1')) :param y: the list or array of original labels :return: a ndarray (int) of class indexes, and a ndarray of classnames corresponding to the indexes. """ y = np.asarray(y) classnames = np.asarray(sorted(np.unique(y))) label2index = {label: index for index, label in enumerate(classnames)} indexed = np.empty(y.shape, dtype=int) for label in classnames: indexed[y==label] = label2index[label] return indexed, classnames def binarize(y, pos_class): """ Binarizes a categorical array-like collection of labels towards the positive class `pos_class`. E.g.,: >>> binarize([1, 2, 3, 1, 1, 0], pos_class=2) >>> array([0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0]) :param y: array-like of labels :param pos_class: integer, the positive class :return: a binary np.ndarray, in which values 1 corresponds to positions in whcih `y` had `pos_class` labels, and 0 otherwise """ y = np.asarray(y) ybin = np.zeros(y.shape, dtype=int) ybin[y == pos_class] = 1 return ybin