import numpy as np from Ordinal.evaluation import smoothness from Ordinal.utils import load_samples_folder, load_single_sample_pkl from os.path import join from tqdm import tqdm """ This scripts generates a partition of a dataset in terms of "smoothness". The partition is only carried out by generating index vectors. """ def partition_by_smoothness(split): assert split in ['dev', 'test'], 'invalid split name' total=1000 if split=='dev' else 5000 smooths = [] folderpath = join(datapath, domain, 'app', f'{split}_samples') for sample in tqdm(load_samples_folder(folderpath, load_fn=load_single_sample_pkl), total=total): smooths.append(smoothness(sample.prevalence())) smooths = np.asarray(smooths) order = np.argsort(smooths) nD = len(order) low2high_smooth = np.array_split(order, 5) all_drift = np.arange(nD) for i, smooth_idx in enumerate(low2high_smooth): block = smooths[smooth_idx] print(f'smooth block {i}: shape={smooth_idx.shape}, interval=[{block.min()}, {block.max()}] mean={block.mean()}'), domain, 'app', f'smooth{i}.{split}.id.npy'), smooth_idx), domain, 'app', f'all.{split}.id.npy'), all_drift) #domain = 'Books-tfidf' domain = 'Books-roberta-base-finetuned-pkl/checkpoint-1188-average' datapath = './data' #training = pickle.load(open(join(datapath,domain,'training_data.pkl'), 'rb')) partition_by_smoothness('dev') partition_by_smoothness('test')