import gzip import quapy as qp from Ordinal.utils import load_simple_sample_raw from import LabelledCollection import quapy.functional as F import os from os.path import join from pathlib import Path import numpy as np datadir = '/media/moreo/Volume/Datasets/Amazon/reviews' outdir = './data/' real_prev_path = './data/Books-real-prevalence-by-product_votes1_reviews100.csv' domain = 'Books' seed = 7 tr_size = 20000 val_size = 1000 te_size = 1000 nval = 1000 nte = 5000 def from_text(path, encoding='utf-8', class2int=True): """ Reads a labelled colletion of documents. File fomart <0-4>\t\n :param path: path to the labelled collection :param encoding: the text encoding used to open the file :return: a list of sentences, and a list of labels """ all_sentences, all_labels = [], [] file = open(path, 'rt', encoding=encoding).readlines() for line in file: line = line.strip() if line: try: label, sentence = line.split('\t') sentence = sentence.strip() if class2int: label = int(label) if label >= 0: if sentence: all_sentences.append(sentence) all_labels.append(label) except ValueError: print(f'format error in {line}') return all_sentences, all_labels def write_txt_sample(sample: LabelledCollection, path): os.makedirs(Path(path).parent, exist_ok=True) with open(path, 'wt') as foo: for document, label in zip(*sample.Xy): foo.write(f'{label}\t{document}\n') def gen_samples_APP(pool: LabelledCollection, nsamples, sample_size, outdir, prevpath): os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) with open(prevpath, 'wt') as prevfile: prevfile.write('id,' + ','.join(f'{c}' for c in pool.classes_) + '\n') for i, prev in enumerate(F.uniform_simplex_sampling(n_classes=pool.n_classes, size=nsamples)): sample = pool.sampling(sample_size, *prev) write_txt_sample(sample, join(outdir, f'{i}.txt')) prevfile.write(f'{i},' + ','.join(f'{p:.3f}' for p in sample.prevalence()) + '\n') def gen_samples_NPP(pool: LabelledCollection, nsamples, sample_size, outdir, prevpath): os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) with open(prevpath, 'wt') as prevfile: prevfile.write('id,' + ','.join(f'{c}' for c in pool.classes_) + '\n') for i, sample in enumerate(pool.natural_sampling_generator(sample_size, repeats=nsamples)): write_txt_sample(sample, join(outdir, f'{i}.txt')) prevfile.write(f'{i},' + ','.join(f'{p:.3f}' for p in sample.prevalence()) + '\n') def gen_samples_real_prevalences(real_prevalences, pool: LabelledCollection, sample_size, outdir, prevpath_out): os.makedirs(outdir, exist_ok=True) with open(prevpath_out, 'wt') as prevfile: prevfile.write('id,' + ','.join(f'{c}' for c in pool.classes_) + '\n') for i, prev in enumerate(real_prevalences): sample = pool.sampling(sample_size, *prev[:-1]) write_txt_sample(sample, join(outdir, f'{i}.txt')) prevfile.write(f'{i},' + ','.join(f'{p:.3f}' for p in sample.prevalence()) + '\n') # fullpath = join(datadir,domain)+'.txt.gz' <- deprecated; there were duplicates # data = LabelledCollection.load(fullpath, from_gz_text) fullpath = './data/Books/Books.txt' data = LabelledCollection.load(fullpath, from_text) print(len(data)) print(data.classes_) print(data.prevalence()) with qp.util.temp_seed(seed): train, rest = data.split_stratified(train_prop=tr_size) devel, test = rest.split_stratified(train_prop=0.5) print(len(train)) print(len(devel)) print(len(test)) domaindir = join(outdir, domain) write_txt_sample(train, join(domaindir, 'training_data.txt')) write_txt_sample(devel, join(domaindir, 'development_data.txt')) write_txt_sample(test, join(domaindir, 'test_data.txt')) # this part is to be used when the partitions have already been created, in order to avoid re-generating them #train = load_simple_sample_raw(domaindir, 'training_data') #devel = load_simple_sample_raw(domaindir, 'development_data') #test = load_simple_sample_raw(domaindir, 'test_data') gen_samples_APP(devel, nsamples=nval, sample_size=val_size, outdir=join(domaindir, 'app', 'dev_samples'), prevpath=join(domaindir, 'app', 'dev_prevalences.txt')) gen_samples_APP(test, nsamples=nte, sample_size=te_size, outdir=join(domaindir, 'app', 'test_samples'), prevpath=join(domaindir, 'app', 'test_prevalences.txt')) # gen_samples_NPP(devel, nsamples=nval, sample_size=val_size, outdir=join(domaindir, 'npp', 'dev_samples'), # prevpath=join(domaindir, 'npp', 'dev_prevalences.txt')) # gen_samples_NPP(test, nsamples=nte, sample_size=te_size, outdir=join(domaindir, 'npp', 'test_samples'), # prevpath=join(domaindir, 'npp', 'test_prevalences.txt')) # this part generates samples based on real prevalences (in this case, prevalences of sets of books reviews # groupped by product). It loads the real prevalences (computed elsewhere), and randomly extract 5000 for test # and 1000 for val (disjoint). Then realize the samplings assert os.path.exists(real_prev_path), f'real prevalence file does not seem to exist...' real_prevalences = np.genfromtxt(real_prev_path, delimiter='\t') nrows = real_prevalences.shape[0] rand_sel = np.random.permutation(nrows) real_prevalences_val = real_prevalences[rand_sel[:nval]] real_prevalences_te = real_prevalences[rand_sel[nval:nval+nte]] gen_samples_real_prevalences(real_prevalences_val, devel, sample_size=val_size, outdir=join(domaindir, 'real', 'dev_samples'), prevpath_out=join(domaindir, 'real', 'dev_prevalences.txt')) gen_samples_real_prevalences(real_prevalences_te, test, sample_size=te_size, outdir=join(domaindir, 'real', 'test_samples'), prevpath_out=join(domaindir, 'real', 'test_prevalences.txt'))