diff --git a/ClassifierAccuracy/deprecated/main_binary.py b/ClassifierAccuracy/deprecated/main_binary.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3ca226
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ClassifierAccuracy/deprecated/main_binary.py
@@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
+from collections import defaultdict
+from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
+from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
+from tqdm import tqdm
+from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
+import os
+import quapy as qp
+from method.aggregative import PACC, EMQ, PCC, CC, ACC, HDy
+from models_binary import *
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from pathlib import Path
+def clf():
+    # return CalibratedClassifierCV(LinearSVC(class_weight=None))
+    return LogisticRegression(class_weight=None)
+def F1(contingency_table):
+    # tn = contingency_table[0, 0]
+    tp = contingency_table[1, 1]
+    fp = contingency_table[0, 1]
+    fn = contingency_table[1, 0]
+    den = (2*tp+fp+fn)
+    if den>0:
+        return 2*tp/den
+    else:
+        return 1
+def accuracy(contingency_table):
+    tn = contingency_table[0, 0]
+    tp = contingency_table[1, 1]
+    fp = contingency_table[0, 1]
+    fn = contingency_table[1, 0]
+    return (tp+tn)/(tp+fp+fn+tn)
+def plot_series(series, repeats, metric_name, train_prev=None, savepath=None):
+    for key in series:
+        print(series[key])
+    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
+    def bin(v):
+        mat = np.asarray(v).reshape(-1, repeats)
+        return mat.mean(axis=1), mat.std(axis=1)
+    x = series['prev']
+    x,_ = bin(x)
+    for serie in series:
+        if serie=='prev': continue
+        values = series[serie]
+        print(serie, values)
+        val_mean, val_std = bin(values)
+        ax.errorbar(x, val_mean, label=serie, fmt='-', marker='o')
+        ax.fill_between(x, val_mean - val_std, val_mean + val_std, alpha=0.25)
+    if train_prev is not None:
+        ax.axvline(x=train_prev, label='tr-prev', color='k', linestyle='--')
+        # ax.scatter(train_prev, train_prev, c='c', label='tr-prev', linewidth=2, edgecolor='k', s=100, zorder=3)
+    ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
+    ax.grid()
+    ax.set_title(metric_name)
+    ax.set(xlabel='$p_U(\oplus)$', ylabel='estimated '+metric_name,
+           title='Classifier accuracy in terms of '+metric_name)
+    if savepath is None:
+        plt.show()
+    else:
+        os.makedirs(Path(savepath).parent, exist_ok=True)
+        plt.savefig(savepath, bbox_inches='tight')
+data = qp.datasets.fetch_reviews(dataset, tfidf=True, min_df=5, pickle=True)
+# qp.data.preprocessing.reduce_columns(data, min_df=5, inplace=True)
+# print('num_features', data.training.instances.shape[1])
+train = data.training
+test = data.test
+upper = UpperBound(clf(), y_test=None).fit(train)
+mlcfe = MLCMEstimator(clf(), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
+emq_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), EMQ(LogisticRegression()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
+# cc_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), CC(clf()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
+# pcc_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), PCC(clf()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
+# acc_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), ACC(clf()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
+pacc_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), PACC(clf()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
+# hdy_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), HDy(clf()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
+sld = EMQ(LogisticRegression()).fit(train)
+pacc = PACC(clf()).fit(train)
+contenders = [
+    ('kFCV+MLPE', mlcfe),
+    ('SLD', emq_quant),
+    # ('CC', cc_quant),
+    # ('PCC', pcc_quant),
+    # ('ACC', acc_quant),
+    ('PACC', pacc_quant),
+    # ('HDy', hdy_quant)
+metric = F1
+# metric = accuracy
+repeats = 10
+with qp.util.temp_seed(42):
+    samples_idx = [idx for idx in test.artificial_sampling_index_generator(sample_size=500, n_prevalences=21, repeats=repeats)]
+series = defaultdict(lambda: [])
+for idx in tqdm(samples_idx, desc='generating predictions'):
+    sample = test.sampling_from_index(idx)
+    upper.show_true_labels(sample.labels)
+    upper_conf_matrix = upper.predict(sample.instances)
+    metric_true = metric(upper_conf_matrix)
+    series['Upper'].append(metric_true)
+    for mname, method in contenders:
+        conf_matrix = method.predict(sample.instances)
+        estim_metric = metric(conf_matrix)
+        series[mname].append(estim_metric)
+        if hasattr(method, 'quantify'):
+            series[mname+'-prev'].append(method.quantify(sample.instances))
+    series['binsld-prev'].append(sld.quantify(sample.instances)[1])
+    series['binpacc-prev'].append(pacc.quantify(sample.instances)[1])
+    series['optimal-prev'].append(sample.prevalence()[1])
+    series['prev'].append(sample.prevalence()[1])
+metricname = metric.__name__
+plot_series(series, repeats, metric_name=metricname, train_prev=train.prevalence()[1], savepath='./plots/'+dataset+'_LinearSVC_'+metricname+'.pdf')
diff --git a/ClassifierAccuracy/models.py b/ClassifierAccuracy/deprecated/models_binary.py
similarity index 100%
rename from ClassifierAccuracy/models.py
rename to ClassifierAccuracy/deprecated/models_binary.py
diff --git a/ClassifierAccuracy/main.py b/ClassifierAccuracy/main.py
index 1984951..1af44a2 100644
--- a/ClassifierAccuracy/main.py
+++ b/ClassifierAccuracy/main.py
@@ -1,148 +1,75 @@
 from collections import defaultdict
-from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
-from sklearn.svm import LinearSVC
-from tqdm import tqdm
+from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
 from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
-import os
+import numpy as np
+from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
+from method.aggregative import PACC, EMQ
+from utils import *
+import quapy.data.datasets
 import quapy as qp
-from method.aggregative import PACC, EMQ, PCC, CC, ACC, HDy
-from models import *
-import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
-from pathlib import Path
+from models_multiclass import *
+from quapy.data import LabelledCollection
+from quapy.protocol import UPP
+from quapy.data.datasets import fetch_UCIMulticlassLabelledCollection, UCI_MULTICLASS_DATASETS
-def clf():
-    # return CalibratedClassifierCV(LinearSVC(class_weight=None))
-    return LogisticRegression(class_weight=None)
+def split(data: LabelledCollection):
+    train_val, test = data.split_stratified(train_prop=0.66)
+    train, val = train_val.split_stratified(train_prop=0.5)
+    return train, val, test
-def F1(contingency_table):
-    # tn = contingency_table[0, 0]
-    tp = contingency_table[1, 1]
-    fp = contingency_table[0, 1]
-    fn = contingency_table[1, 0]
-    den = (2*tp+fp+fn)
-    if den>0:
-        return 2*tp/den
-    else:
-        return 1
+def gen_datasets()-> [str,[LabelledCollection,LabelledCollection,LabelledCollection]]:
+    for dataset_name in UCI_MULTICLASS_DATASETS:
+        dataset = fetch_UCIMulticlassLabelledCollection(dataset_name)
+        yield dataset_name, split(dataset)
-def accuracy(contingency_table):
-    tn = contingency_table[0, 0]
-    tp = contingency_table[1, 1]
-    fp = contingency_table[0, 1]
-    fn = contingency_table[1, 0]
-    return (tp+tn)/(tp+fp+fn+tn)
+def gen_CAP(h, acc_fn)->[str,ClassifierAccuracyPrediction]:
+    yield 'Naive', NaiveCAP(h, acc_fn)
+    yield 'CT-PPS-PACC', ContTableTransferCAP(h, acc_fn, PACC(LogisticRegression()))
+    yield 'CT-PPSh-PACC', ContTableWithHTransferCAP(h, acc_fn, PACC)
-def plot_series(series, repeats, metric_name, train_prev=None, savepath=None):
-    for key in series:
-        print(series[key])
-    fig, ax = plt.subplots()
-    def bin(v):
-        mat = np.asarray(v).reshape(-1, repeats)
-        return mat.mean(axis=1), mat.std(axis=1)
-    x = series['prev']
-    x,_ = bin(x)
-    for serie in series:
-        if serie=='prev': continue
-        values = series[serie]
-        print(serie, values)
-        val_mean, val_std = bin(values)
-        ax.errorbar(x, val_mean, label=serie, fmt='-', marker='o')
-        ax.fill_between(x, val_mean - val_std, val_mean + val_std, alpha=0.25)
-    if train_prev is not None:
-        ax.axvline(x=train_prev, label='tr-prev', color='k', linestyle='--')
-        # ax.scatter(train_prev, train_prev, c='c', label='tr-prev', linewidth=2, edgecolor='k', s=100, zorder=3)
-    ax.legend(loc='center left', bbox_to_anchor=(1, 0.5))
-    ax.grid()
-    ax.set_title(metric_name)
-    ax.set(xlabel='$p_U(\oplus)$', ylabel='estimated '+metric_name,
-           title='Classifier accuracy in terms of '+metric_name)
-    if savepath is None:
-        plt.show()
-    else:
-        os.makedirs(Path(savepath).parent, exist_ok=True)
-        plt.savefig(savepath, bbox_inches='tight')
+def true_acc(h:BaseEstimator, acc_fn: callable, U: LabelledCollection):
+    y_pred = h.predict(U.X)
+    y_true = U.y
+    conf_table = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred=y_pred, labels=U.classes_)
+    return acc_fn(conf_table)
-data = qp.datasets.fetch_reviews(dataset, tfidf=True, min_df=5, pickle=True)
-# qp.data.preprocessing.reduce_columns(data, min_df=5, inplace=True)
-# print('num_features', data.training.instances.shape[1])
-train = data.training
-test = data.test
-upper = UpperBound(clf(), y_test=None).fit(train)
-mlcfe = MLCMEstimator(clf(), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
-emq_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), EMQ(LogisticRegression()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
-# cc_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), CC(clf()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
-# pcc_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), PCC(clf()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
-# acc_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), ACC(clf()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
-pacc_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), PACC(clf()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
-# hdy_quant = QuantificationCMPredictor(clf(), HDy(clf()), strategy='kfcv', k=5, n_jobs=-1).fit(train)
-sld = EMQ(LogisticRegression()).fit(train)
-pacc = PACC(clf()).fit(train)
-contenders = [
-    ('kFCV+MLPE', mlcfe),
-    ('SLD', emq_quant),
-    # ('CC', cc_quant),
-    # ('PCC', pcc_quant),
-    # ('ACC', acc_quant),
-    ('PACC', pacc_quant),
-    # ('HDy', hdy_quant)
-metric = F1
-# metric = accuracy
-repeats = 10
-with qp.util.temp_seed(42):
-    samples_idx = [idx for idx in test.artificial_sampling_index_generator(sample_size=500, n_prevalences=21, repeats=repeats)]
+def acc_fn(cont_table):
+    return np.diag(cont_table).sum() / cont_table.sum()
-series = defaultdict(lambda: [])
-for idx in tqdm(samples_idx, desc='generating predictions'):
-    sample = test.sampling_from_index(idx)
+qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = 100
-    upper.show_true_labels(sample.labels)
-    upper_conf_matrix = upper.predict(sample.instances)
-    metric_true = metric(upper_conf_matrix)
-    series['Upper'].append(metric_true)
+h = LogisticRegression()
-    for mname, method in contenders:
-        conf_matrix = method.predict(sample.instances)
-        estim_metric = metric(conf_matrix)
-        series[mname].append(estim_metric)
-        if hasattr(method, 'quantify'):
-            series[mname+'-prev'].append(method.quantify(sample.instances))
-    series['binsld-prev'].append(sld.quantify(sample.instances)[1])
-    series['binpacc-prev'].append(pacc.quantify(sample.instances)[1])
-    series['optimal-prev'].append(sample.prevalence()[1])
-    series['prev'].append(sample.prevalence()[1])
-metricname = metric.__name__
-plot_series(series, repeats, metric_name=metricname, train_prev=train.prevalence()[1], savepath='./plots/'+dataset+'_LinearSVC_'+metricname+'.pdf')
+acc_trues = []
+acc_predicted = defaultdict(lambda :[])
+for dataset_name, (L, V, U) in gen_datasets():
+    print(dataset_name)
+    h.fit(*L.Xy)
+    test_prot = UPP(U, repeats=100, return_type='labelled_collection')
+    acc_trues.extend(true_acc(h, acc_fn, Ui) for Ui in test_prot())
+    for method_name, method in gen_CAP(h, acc_fn):
+        method.fit(V)
+        for Ui in test_prot():
+            acc_hat = method.predict(Ui.X)
+            acc_predicted[method_name].append(acc_hat)
+acc_predicted = list(acc_predicted.items())
+plot_diagonal('./plots/diagonal.png', acc_trues, acc_predicted)
diff --git a/ClassifierAccuracy/models_multiclass.py b/ClassifierAccuracy/models_multiclass.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ba1fde7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ClassifierAccuracy/models_multiclass.py
@@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
+import numpy as np
+from sklearn.base import BaseEstimator
+import quapy as qp
+from sklearn import clone
+from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
+import scipy
+from scipy.sparse import issparse, csr_matrix
+from data import LabelledCollection
+from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
+from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict
+from quapy.method.base import BaseQuantifier
+from quapy.method.aggregative import PACC
+class ClassifierAccuracyPrediction(ABC):
+    def __init__(self, h: BaseEstimator, acc: callable):
+        self.h = h
+        self.acc = acc
+    @abstractmethod
+    def fit(self, val: LabelledCollection):
+        ...
+    def predict(self, X):
+        """
+        Evaluates the accuracy function on the predicted contingency table
+        :param X: test data
+        :return: float
+        """
+        return self.acc(self.predict_ct(X))
+    @abstractmethod
+    def predict_ct(self, X):
+        """
+        Predicts the contingency table for the test data
+        :param X: test data
+        :return: a contingency table
+        """
+        ...
+class NaiveCAP(ClassifierAccuracyPrediction):
+    """
+    The Naive CAP is a method that relies on the IID assumption, and thus uses the estimation in the validation data
+    as an estimate for the test data.
+    """
+    def __init__(self, h: BaseEstimator, acc: callable):
+        super().__init__(h, acc)
+    def fit(self, val: LabelledCollection):
+        y_hat = self.h.predict(val.X)
+        y_true = val.y
+        self.cont_table = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred=y_hat, labels=val.classes_)
+        return self
+    def predict_ct(self, test):
+        """
+        This method disregards the test set, under the assumption that it is IID wrt the training. This meaning that
+        the confusion matrix for the test data should coincide with the one computed for training (using any cross
+        validation strategy).
+        :param test: test collection (ignored)
+        :return: a confusion matrix in the return format of `sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix`
+        """
+        return self.cont_table
+class ContTableTransferCAP(ClassifierAccuracyPrediction):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self, h: BaseEstimator, acc: callable, q: BaseQuantifier):
+        super().__init__(h, acc)
+        self.q = q
+    def fit(self, val: LabelledCollection):
+        y_hat = self.h.predict(val.X)
+        y_true = val.y
+        self.cont_table = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred=y_hat, labels=val.classes_)
+        self.train_prev = val.prevalence()
+        self.q.fit(val)
+        return self
+    def predict_ct(self, test):
+        """
+        :param test: test collection (ignored)
+        :return: a confusion matrix in the return format of `sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix`
+        """
+        prev_hat = self.q.quantify(test)
+        adjustment = prev_hat / self.train_prev
+        return self.cont_table * adjustment[:, np.newaxis]
+class ContTableWithHTransferCAP(ClassifierAccuracyPrediction):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self, h: BaseEstimator, acc: callable, q_class):
+        super().__init__(h, acc)
+        self.q = q_class(classifier=h)
+    def fit(self, val: LabelledCollection):
+        y_hat = self.h.predict(val.X)
+        y_true = val.y
+        self.cont_table = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred=y_hat, labels=val.classes_)
+        self.train_prev = val.prevalence()
+        self.q.fit(val, fit_classifier=False, val_split=val)
+        return self
+    def predict_ct(self, test):
+        """
+        :param test: test collection (ignored)
+        :return: a confusion matrix in the return format of `sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix`
+        """
+        prev_hat = self.q.quantify(test)
+        adjustment = prev_hat / self.train_prev
+        return self.cont_table * adjustment[:, np.newaxis]
+class UpperBound(ClassifierAccuracyPrediction):
+    def __init__(self, classifier, y_test):
+        self.classifier = classifier
+        self.y_test = y_test
+    def fit(self, train: LabelledCollection):
+        self.classifier.fit(*train.Xy)
+        self.classes = train.classes_
+        return self
+    def show_true_labels(self, y_test):
+        self.y_test = y_test
+    def predict(self, test):
+        predictions = self.classifier.predict(test)
+        return confusion_matrix(self.y_test, predictions, labels=self.classes)
+def get_counters(y_true, y_pred):
+    counters = np.full(shape=y_true.shape, fill_value=-1)
+    counters[np.logical_and(y_true == 1, y_pred == 1)] = 0
+    counters[np.logical_and(y_true == 1, y_pred == 0)] = 1
+    counters[np.logical_and(y_true == 0, y_pred == 1)] = 2
+    counters[np.logical_and(y_true == 0, y_pred == 0)] = 3
+    class_map = {
+        0:'tp',
+        1:'fn',
+        2:'fp',
+        3:'tn'
+    }
+    return counters, class_map
+def safehstack(matrix, posteriors):
+    if issparse(matrix):
+        instances = csr_matrix(scipy.sparse.hstack([matrix, posteriors]))
+    else:
+        instances = np.hstack([matrix, posteriors])
+    return instances
+class QuantificationCMPredictor(ClassifierAccuracyPrediction):
+    """
+    """
+    def __init__(self, classifier, quantifier, strategy='kfcv', **kwargs):
+        assert strategy in ['kfcv'], 'unknown strategy'
+        if strategy=='kfcv':
+            assert 'k' in kwargs, 'strategy "kfcv" requires "k" to be passed as an argument'
+        self.classifier = clone(classifier)
+        self.quantifier = quantifier
+        self.strategy = strategy
+        self.kwargs = kwargs
+    def sout(self, msg):
+        if 'verbose' in self.kwargs:
+            print(msg)
+    def fit(self, train: LabelledCollection):
+        X, y = train.Xy
+        if self.strategy == 'kfcv':
+            k=self.kwargs['k']
+            n_jobs = self.kwargs['n_jobs'] if 'n_jobs' in self.kwargs else 1
+            self.sout(f'{self.__class__.__name__}: '
+                      f'running cross_val_predict with k={k} n_jobs={n_jobs}')
+            predictions = cross_val_predict(self.classifier, X, y, cv=k, n_jobs=n_jobs, method='predict')
+            posteriors  = cross_val_predict(self.classifier, X, y, cv=k, n_jobs=n_jobs, method='predict_proba')
+            self.classifier.fit(X, y)
+            instances = safehstack(train.instances, posteriors)
+            counters, class_map = get_counters(train.labels, predictions)
+            q_data = LabelledCollection(instances=instances, labels=counters, classes_=[0,1,2,3])
+            print('counters prevalence', q_data.counts())
+            self.quantifier.fit(q_data)
+        return self
+    def predict(self, test):
+        """
+        :param test: test collection (ignored)
+        :return: a confusion matrix in the return format of `sklearn.metrics.confusion_matrix`
+        """
+        posteriors = self.classifier.predict_proba(test)
+        instances = safehstack(test, posteriors)
+        counters = self.quantifier.quantify(instances)
+        tp, fn, fp, tn = counters
+        conf_matrix = np.asarray([[tn, fp], [fn, tp]])
+        return conf_matrix
+    def quantify(self, test):
+        posteriors = self.classifier.predict_proba(test)
+        instances = safehstack(test, posteriors)
+        counters = self.quantifier.quantify(instances)
+        tp, fn, fp, tn = counters
+        den_tpr = (tp+fn)
+        if den_tpr>0:
+            tpr = tp/den_tpr
+        else:
+            tpr = 1
+        den_fpr = (fp+tn)
+        if den_fpr>0:
+            fpr = fp / den_fpr
+        else:
+            fpr = 0
+        pcc = posteriors.sum(axis=0)[1]
+        pacc = (pcc-fpr)/(tpr-fpr)
+        pacc = np.clip(pacc, 0, 1)
+        q = tp+fn
+        return q
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ClassifierAccuracy/notes.md b/ClassifierAccuracy/notes.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a515559
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ClassifierAccuracy/notes.md
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+# Notes
+Branch for research on classifier accuracy prediction.
+I had some work done for binary (models_binary.py and main_binary.py). 
+I would like to approach the multiclass case directly now.
+I think I will frame the problem setting as follows.
+A Classifier Accuracy Prediction (CAP) method is method tha receives as input:
+- h: classifier (already trained), 
+- V: labelled collection (for training the CAP), 
+- acc_func: callable: any function that works on a contingency table
+And implements:
+- fit: trains the CAP
+- predict: predicts the evaluation measure on unseen data (provided, calls predict_ct and acc_func)
+- predict_ct: predicts the contingency table
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/ClassifierAccuracy/utils.py b/ClassifierAccuracy/utils.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..944dc2e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/ClassifierAccuracy/utils.py
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
+from pathlib import Path
+from os import makedirs
+import numpy as np
+def plot_diagonal(outpath, xs, predictions:list):
+    makedirs(Path(outpath).parent, exist_ok=True)
+    # Create scatter plot
+    plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
+    plt.xlim(0, 1)
+    plt.ylim(0, 1)
+    plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='black', linestyle='--')
+    for method_name, ys in predictions:
+        pear_cor = np.corrcoef(xs, ys)[0, 1]
+        plt.scatter(xs, ys, label=f'{method_name} {pear_cor:.2f}')
+    plt.legend()
+    # Add labels and title
+    plt.xlabel('True Accuracy')
+    plt.ylabel('Estimated Accuracy')
+    # Display the plot
+    # plt.show()
+    plt.savefig(outpath)