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import itertools
import json
import os
from collections import defaultdict
from glob import glob
from os import makedirs
from os.path import join
from pathlib import Path
from time import time
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from sklearn.datasets import fetch_rcv1
from quapy.method.aggregative import EMQ, ACC
from models_multiclass import *
from quapy.data import LabelledCollection
from quapy.data.datasets import fetch_UCIMulticlassLabelledCollection, UCI_MULTICLASS_DATASETS
from quapy.data.datasets import fetch_reviews
def gen_classifiers():
yield 'LR', LogisticRegression()
#yield 'NB', GaussianNB()
#yield 'SVM(rbf)', SVC()
#yield 'SVM(linear)', LinearSVC()
def gen_multi_datasets(only_names=False)-> [str,[LabelledCollection,LabelledCollection,LabelledCollection]]:
for dataset_name in UCI_MULTICLASS_DATASETS:
if only_names:
yield dataset_name, None
dataset = fetch_UCIMulticlassLabelledCollection(dataset_name)
yield dataset_name, split(dataset)
def gen_bin_datasets(only_names=False) -> [str,[LabelledCollection,LabelledCollection,LabelledCollection]]:
if only_names:
for dataset_name in ['imdb', 'CCAT', 'GCAT', 'MCAT']:
yield dataset_name, None
train, U = fetch_reviews('imdb', tfidf=True, min_df=10, pickle=True).train_test
L, V = train.split_stratified(0.5, random_state=0)
yield 'imdb', (L, V, U)
training = fetch_rcv1(subset='train')
test = fetch_rcv1(subset='test')
class_names = training.target_names.tolist()
for cat in ['CCAT', 'GCAT', 'MCAT']:
class_idx = class_names.index(cat)
tr_labels = training.target[:,class_idx].toarray().flatten()
te_labels = test.target[:,class_idx].toarray().flatten()
tr = LabelledCollection(training.data, tr_labels)
U = LabelledCollection(test.data, te_labels)
L, V = tr.split_stratified(train_prop=0.5, random_state=0)
yield cat, (L, V, U)
def gen_CAP(h, acc_fn)->[str, ClassifierAccuracyPrediction]:
#yield 'SebCAP', SebastianiCAP(h, acc_fn, ACC)
yield 'SebCAP-SLD', SebastianiCAP(h, acc_fn, EMQ)
#yield 'SebCAPweight', SebastianiCAP(h, acc_fn, ACC, alpha=0)
#yield 'PabCAP', PabloCAP(h, acc_fn, ACC)
yield 'PabCAP-SLD-median', PabloCAP(h, acc_fn, EMQ, aggr='median')
def gen_CAP_cont_table(h)->[str,CAPContingencyTable]:
acc_fn = None
yield 'Naive', NaiveCAP(h, acc_fn)
yield 'CT-PPS-EMQ', ContTableTransferCAP(h, acc_fn, EMQ(LogisticRegression()))
yield 'QuAcc(EMQ)nxn', QuAccNxN(h, acc_fn, EMQ(LogisticRegression()))
#yield 'QuAcc(EMQ)1xn2', QuAcc1xN2(h, acc_fn, EMQ(LogisticRegression()))
yield 'QuAcc(EMQ)1xn2', QuAcc1xN2(h, acc_fn, EMQ(LogisticRegression()))
#yield 'CT-PPSh-EMQ', ContTableTransferCAP(h, acc_fn, EMQ(LogisticRegression()), reuse_h=True)
#yield 'Equations-ACCh', NsquaredEquationsCAP(h, acc_fn, ACC, reuse_h=True)
# yield 'Equations-ACC', NsquaredEquationsCAP(h, acc_fn, ACC)
#yield 'Equations-SLD', NsquaredEquationsCAP(h, acc_fn, EMQ)
def get_method_names():
mock_h = LogisticRegression()
return [m for m, _ in gen_CAP(mock_h, None)] + [m for m, _ in gen_CAP_cont_table(mock_h)]
def gen_acc_measure():
yield 'vanilla_accuracy', vanilla_acc_fn
#yield 'macro-F1', macrof1
def split(data: LabelledCollection):
train_val, test = data.split_stratified(train_prop=0.66, random_state=0)
train, val = train_val.split_stratified(train_prop=0.5, random_state=0)
return train, val, test
def fit_method(method, V):
tinit = time()
t_train = time() - tinit
return method, t_train
def predictionsCAP(method, test_prot):
tinit = time()
estim_accs = [method.predict(Ui.X) for Ui in test_prot()]
t_test_ave = (time() - tinit) / test_prot.total()
return estim_accs, t_test_ave
def predictionsCAPcont_table(method, test_prot, gen_acc_measure):
estim_accs_dict = {}
tinit = time()
estim_tables = [method.predict_ct(Ui.X) for Ui in test_prot()]
for acc_name, acc_fn in gen_acc_measure():
estim_accs_dict[acc_name] = [acc_fn(cont_table) for cont_table in estim_tables]
t_test_ave = (time() - tinit) / test_prot.total()
return estim_accs_dict, t_test_ave
def any_missing(basedir, cls_name, dataset_name, method_name):
for acc_name, _ in gen_acc_measure():
if not os.path.exists(getpath(basedir, cls_name, acc_name, dataset_name, method_name)):
return True
return False
def true_acc(h:BaseEstimator, acc_fn: callable, U: LabelledCollection):
y_pred = h.predict(U.X)
y_true = U.y
conf_table = confusion_matrix(y_true, y_pred=y_pred, labels=U.classes_)
return acc_fn(conf_table)
def vanilla_acc_fn(cont_table):
return np.diag(cont_table).sum() / cont_table.sum()
def _f1_bin(tp, fp, fn):
if tp + fp + fn == 0:
return 1
return (2 * tp) / (2 * tp + fp + fn)
def macrof1(cont_table):
n = cont_table.shape[0]
if n==2:
tp = cont_table[1,1]
fp = cont_table[0,1]
fn = cont_table[1,0]
return _f1_bin(tp, fp, fn)
f1_per_class = []
for i in range(n):
tp = cont_table[i,i]
fp = cont_table[:,i].sum() - tp
fn = cont_table[i,:].sum() - tp
f1_per_class.append(_f1_bin(tp, fp, fn))
return np.mean(f1_per_class)
def microf1(cont_table):
n = cont_table.shape[0]
if n == 2:
tp = cont_table[1, 1]
fp = cont_table[0, 1]
fn = cont_table[1, 0]
return _f1_bin(tp, fp, fn)
tp, fp, fn = 0, 0, 0
for i in range(n):
tp += cont_table[i, i]
fp += cont_table[:, i] - tp
fn += cont_table[i, :] - tp
return _f1_bin(tp, fp, fn)
def cap_errors(true_acc, estim_acc):
true_acc = np.asarray(true_acc)
estim_acc = np.asarray(estim_acc)
#return (true_acc - estim_acc)**2
return np.abs(true_acc - estim_acc)
def plot_diagonal(cls_name, measure_name, results, base_dir='plots'):
makedirs(base_dir, exist_ok=True)
makedirs(join(base_dir, measure_name), exist_ok=True)
# Create scatter plot
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 10))
plt.xlim(0, 1)
plt.ylim(0, 1)
plt.plot([0, 1], [0, 1], color='black', linestyle='--')
for method_name in results.keys():
xs = results[method_name]['true_acc']
ys = results[method_name]['estim_acc']
err = cap_errors(xs, ys).mean()
#pear_cor, _ = 0, 0 #pearsonr(xs, ys)
plt.scatter(xs, ys, label=f'{method_name} {err:.3f}', alpha=0.6)
# Add labels and title
plt.xlabel(f'True {measure_name}')
plt.ylabel(f'Estimated {measure_name}')
# Display the plot
# plt.show()
plt.savefig(join(base_dir, measure_name, 'diagonal_'+cls_name+'.png'))
def getpath(basedir, cls_name, acc_name, dataset_name, method_name):
return f"results/{basedir}/{cls_name}/{acc_name}/{dataset_name}/{method_name}.json"
def open_results(basedir, cls_name, acc_name, dataset_name='*', method_name='*'):
results = defaultdict(lambda : {'true_acc':[], 'estim_acc':[]})
if isinstance(method_name, str):
method_name = [method_name]
if isinstance(dataset_name, str):
dataset_name = [dataset_name]
for dataset_, method_ in itertools.product(dataset_name, method_name):
path = getpath(basedir, cls_name, acc_name, dataset_, method_)
for file in glob(path):
method = Path(file).name.replace('.json','')
result = json.load(open(file, 'r'))
return results
def save_json_file(path, data):
os.makedirs(Path(path).parent, exist_ok=True)
with open(path, 'w') as f:
json.dump(data, f)
def save_json_result(path, true_accs, estim_accs, t_train, t_test):
result = {
't_train': t_train,
't_test_ave': t_test,
'true_acc': true_accs,
'estim_acc': estim_accs
save_json_file(path, result)
def get_dataset_stats(path, test_prot, L, V):
test_prevs = [Ui.prevalence() for Ui in test_prot()]
shifts = [qp.error.ae(L.prevalence(), Ui_prev) for Ui_prev in test_prevs]
info = {
'n_classes': L.n_classes,
'n_train': len(L),
'n_val': len(V),
'train_prev': L.prevalence().tolist(),
'val_prev': V.prevalence().tolist(),
'test_prevs': [x.tolist() for x in test_prevs],
'shifts': [x.tolist() for x in shifts],
'sample_size': test_prot.sample_size,
'num_samples': test_prot.total()
save_json_file(path, info)
def gen_tables(basedir, datasets):
from tabular import Table
mock_h = LogisticRegression(),
methods = [method for method, _ in gen_CAP(mock_h, None)] + [method for method, _ in gen_CAP_cont_table(mock_h)]
classifiers = [classifier for classifier, _ in gen_classifiers()]
measures = [measure for measure, _ in gen_acc_measure()]
os.makedirs('tables', exist_ok=True)
tex_doc = """
classifier = classifiers[0]
metric = "vanilla_accuracy"
table = Table(datasets, methods)
for method, dataset in itertools.product(methods, datasets):
path = getpath(basedir, classifier, metric, dataset, method)
if not os.path.exists(path):
print('missing ', path)
results = json.load(open(path, 'r'))
true_acc = results['true_acc']
estim_acc = np.asarray(results['estim_acc'])
if any(np.isnan(estim_acc)):
print(f'nan values found in {method=} {dataset=}')
if any(estim_acc>1.00001):
print(f'values >1 found in {method=} {dataset=} [max={estim_acc.max()}]')
if any(estim_acc<-0.00001):
print(f'values <0 found in {method=} {dataset=} [min={estim_acc.min()}]')
errors = cap_errors(true_acc, estim_acc)
table.add(dataset, method, errors)
tex = table.latexTabular()
table_name = f'{basedir}_{classifier}_{metric}.tex'
with open(f'./tables/{table_name}', 'wt') as foo:
tex_doc += "\input{" + table_name + "}\n"
tex_doc += """
with open(f'./tables/main.tex', 'wt') as foo:
print("[Tables Done] runing latex")
os.system('pdflatex main.tex')
os.system('rm main.aux main.log')