forked from moreo/QuaPy
352 lines
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352 lines
13 KiB
import numpy as np
from .base import *
from ..error import mae
import functional as F
from ..classification.svmperf import SVMperf
from ..dataset import LabelledCollection
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
from sklearn.calibration import CalibratedClassifierCV
from joblib import Parallel, delayed
# Abstract classes
# ------------------------------------
class AggregativeQuantifier(BaseQuantifier):
Abstract class for quantification methods that base their estimations on the aggregation of classification
results. Aggregative Quantifiers thus implement a _classify_ method and maintain a _learner_ attribute.
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, *args): ...
def classify(self, documents):
return self.learner.predict(documents)
def get_params(self, deep=True):
return self.learner.get_params()
def set_params(self, **parameters):
def n_classes(self):
return len(self.classes)
def classes(self):
return self.learner.classes_
class AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier(AggregativeQuantifier):
Abstract class for quantification methods that base their estimations on the aggregation of posterior probabilities
as returned by a probabilistic classifier. Aggregative Probabilistic Quantifiers thus extend Aggregative
Quantifiersimplement by implementing a _soft_classify_ method returning values in [0,1] -- the posterior
def soft_classify(self, data):
return self.learner.predict_proba(data)
def set_params(self, **parameters):
if isinstance(self.learner, CalibratedClassifierCV):
parameters={'base_estimator__'+k:v for k,v in parameters.items()}
# Helper
# ------------------------------------
def training_helper(learner,
data: LabelledCollection,
fit_learner: bool = True,
Training procedure common to all Aggregative Quantifiers.
:param learner: the learner to be fit
:param data: the data on which to fit the learner. If requested, the data will be split before fitting the learner.
:param fit_learner: whether or not to fit the learner
:param ensure_probabilistic: if True, guarantees that the resulting classifier implements predict_proba (if the
learner is not probabilistic, then a CalibratedCV instance of it is trained)
:param train_val_split: if specified, indicates the proportion of training documents on which to fit the learner
:return: the learner trained on the training set, and the unused data (a _LabelledCollection_ if train_val_split>0
or None otherwise)
if fit_learner:
if ensure_probabilistic:
if not hasattr(learner, 'predict_proba'):
print(f'The learner {learner.__class__.__name__} does not seem to be probabilistic. '
f'The learner will be calibrated.')
learner = CalibratedClassifierCV(learner, cv=5)
if train_val_split is not None:
if not (0 < train_val_split < 1):
raise ValueError(f'train/val split {train_val_split} out of range, must be in (0,1)')
train, unused = data.split_stratified(train_prop=train_val_split)
train, unused = data, None
|, train.labels)
if ensure_probabilistic:
if not hasattr(learner, 'predict_proba'):
raise AssertionError('error: the learner cannot be calibrated since fit_learner is set to False')
unused = data
return learner, unused
# Methods
# ------------------------------------
class ClassifyAndCount(AggregativeQuantifier):
The most basic Quantification method. One that simply classifies all instances and countes how many have been
attributed each of the classes in order to compute class prevalence estimates.
def __init__(self, learner):
self.learner = learner
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, *args):
Trains the Classify & Count method unless _fit_learner_ is False, in which case it is assumed to be already fit.
:param data: training data
:param fit_learner: if False, the classifier is assumed to be fit
:param args: unused
:return: self
self.learner, _ = training_helper(self.learner, data, fit_learner)
return self
def quantify(self, documents, *args):
classification = self.classify(documents) # classify
return F.prevalence_from_labels(classification, self.n_classes) # & count
class AdjustedClassifyAndCount(AggregativeQuantifier):
def __init__(self, learner):
self.learner = learner
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, train_val_split=0.6):
self.learner, validation = training_helper(self.learner, data, fit_learner, train_val_split=train_val_split)
| = ClassifyAndCount(self.learner)
y_ =
y = validation.labels
# estimate the matrix with entry (i,j) being the estimate of P(yi|yj), that is, the probability that a
# document that belongs to yj ends up being classified as belonging to yi
self.Pte_cond_estim_ = confusion_matrix(y,y_).T / validation.counts()
return self
def quantify(self, documents, *args):
prevs_estim =
# solve for the linear system Ax = B with A=Pte_cond_estim and B = prevs_estim
A = self.Pte_cond_estim_
B = prevs_estim
adjusted_prevs = np.linalg.solve(A, B)
adjusted_prevs = np.clip(adjusted_prevs, 0, 1)
adjusted_prevs /= adjusted_prevs.sum()
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
adjusted_prevs = prevs_estim # no way to adjust them!
return adjusted_prevs
def classify(self, data):
class ProbabilisticClassifyAndCount(AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier):
def __init__(self, learner):
self.learner = learner
def fit(self, data : LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, *args):
self.learner, _ = training_helper(self.learner, data, fit_learner, ensure_probabilistic=True)
return self
def quantify(self, documents, *args):
posteriors = self.soft_classify(documents) # classify
prevalences = F.prevalence_from_probabilities(posteriors, binarize=False) # & count
return prevalences
class ProbabilisticAdjustedClassifyAndCount(AggregativeQuantifier):
def __init__(self, learner):
self.learner = learner
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, train_val_split=0.6):
self.learner, validation = training_helper(
self.learner, data, fit_learner, ensure_probabilistic=True, train_val_split=train_val_split
self.pcc = ProbabilisticClassifyAndCount(self.learner)
y_ = self.pcc.classify(validation.instances)
y = validation.labels
# estimate the matrix with entry (i,j) being the estimate of P(yi|yj), that is, the probability that a
# document that belongs to yj ends up being classified as belonging to yi
self.Pte_cond_estim_ = confusion_matrix(y, y_).T / validation.counts()
return self
def quantify(self, documents, *args):
prevs_estim = self.pcc.quantify(documents)
A = self.Pte_cond_estim_
B = prevs_estim
adjusted_prevs = np.linalg.solve(A, B)
adjusted_prevs = np.clip(adjusted_prevs, 0, 1)
adjusted_prevs /= adjusted_prevs.sum()
except np.linalg.LinAlgError:
adjusted_prevs = prevs_estim # no way to adjust them!
return adjusted_prevs
def classify(self, data):
return self.pcc.classify(data)
class ExpectationMaximizationQuantifier(AggregativeProbabilisticQuantifier):
MAX_ITER = 1000
EPSILON = 1e-4
def __init__(self, learner, verbose=False):
self.learner = learner
self.verbose = verbose
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, *args):
self.learner, _ = training_helper(self.learner, data, fit_learner, ensure_probabilistic=True)
self.train_prevalence = F.prevalence_from_labels(data.labels, self.n_classes)
return self
def quantify(self, X, epsilon=EPSILON):
posteriors = self.soft_classify(X)
return self.EM(tr_prev, posteriors, self.verbose, epsilon)
def EM(cls, tr_prev, posterior_probabilities, verbose=False, epsilon=EPSILON):
Px = posterior_probabilities
Ptr = np.copy(tr_prev)
qs = np.copy(Ptr) # qs (the running estimate) is initialized as the training prevalence
s, converged = 0, False
qs_prev_ = None
while not converged and s < ExpectationMaximizationQuantifier.MAX_ITER:
# E-step: ps is Ps(y=+1|xi)
ps_unnormalized = (qs / Ptr) * Px
ps = ps_unnormalized / ps_unnormalized.sum(axis=1).reshape(-1,1)
# M-step: qs_pos is Ps+1(y=+1)
qs = ps.mean(axis=0)
if qs_prev_ is not None and mae(qs, qs_prev_) < epsilon and s>10:
converged = True
qs_prev_ = qs
s += 1
if verbose:
if not converged:
raise UserWarning('the method has reached the maximum number of iterations; it might have not converged')
return qs
# todo: from here
def train_task(c, learners, data):
learners[c].fit(data.documents, data.labels == c)
def binary_quant_task(c, learners, X):
predictions_ci = learners[c].predict(X)
return predictions_ci.mean() # since the predictions array is binary
class OneVsAllELM(AggregativeQuantifier):
def __init__(self, svmperf_base, loss, n_jobs=-1, **kwargs):
self.svmperf_base = svmperf_base
self.loss = loss
self.n_jobs = n_jobs
self.kwargs = kwargs
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, *args):
assert fit_learner, 'the method requires that fit_learner=True'
self.learners = {c: SVMperf(self.svmperf_base, loss=self.loss, **self.kwargs) for c in data.classes_}
Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, backend='threading')(
delayed(train_task)(c, self.learners, data) for c in self.learners.keys()
return self
def quantify(self, X, y=None):
prevalences = np.asarray(
Parallel(n_jobs=self.n_jobs, backend='threading')(
delayed(binary_quant_task)(c, self.learners, X) for c in self.learners.keys()
prevalences /= prevalences.sum()
return prevalences
def classes(self):
return sorted(self.learners.keys())
def preclassify_collection(self, data: LabelledCollection):
classifications = []
for class_ in data.classes_:
classifications = np.vstack(classifications).T
precomputed = LabelledCollection(classifications, data.labels)
return precomputed
def set_params(self, **parameters):
def get_params(self, deep=True):
return self.kwargs
class ExplicitLossMinimisation(AggregativeQuantifier):
def __init__(self, svmperf_base, loss, **kwargs):
self.learner = SVMperf(svmperf_base, loss=loss, **kwargs)
def fit(self, data: LabelledCollection, fit_learner=True, *args):
assert fit_learner, 'the method requires that fit_learner=True'
|, data.labels)
return self
def quantify(self, X, y=None):
predictions = self.learner.predict(X)
return F.prevalence_from_labels(predictions, self.learner.n_classes_)
def classify(self, X, y=None):
return self.learner.predict(X)
class SVMQ(ExplicitLossMinimisation):
def __init__(self, svmperf_base, **kwargs):
super(SVMQ, self).__init__(svmperf_base, loss='q', **kwargs)
class SVMKLD(ExplicitLossMinimisation):
def __init__(self, svmperf_base, **kwargs):
super(SVMKLD, self).__init__(svmperf_base, loss='kld', **kwargs)
class SVMNKLD(ExplicitLossMinimisation):
def __init__(self, svmperf_base, **kwargs):
super(SVMNKLD, self).__init__(svmperf_base, loss='nkld', **kwargs)
class SVMAE(ExplicitLossMinimisation):
def __init__(self, svmperf_base, **kwargs):
super(SVMAE, self).__init__(svmperf_base, loss='mae', **kwargs)
class SVMRAE(ExplicitLossMinimisation):
def __init__(self, svmperf_base, **kwargs):
super(SVMRAE, self).__init__(svmperf_base, loss='mrae', **kwargs)