forked from moreo/QuaPy
187 lines
6.2 KiB
187 lines
6.2 KiB
import quapy as qp
from os import makedirs
# from evaluate import evaluate_directory, statistical_significance, get_ranks_from_Gao_Sebastiani
import sys, os
import pickle
from experiments import result_path
tables_path = './tables'
MAXTONE = 50 # sets the intensity of the maximum color reached by the worst (red) and best (green) results
makedirs(tables_path, exist_ok=True)
sample_size = 100
qp.environ['SAMPLE_SIZE'] = sample_size
# results_dict = evaluate_directory('results/*.pkl', evaluation_measures)
# stats = {
# dataset : {
# 'mae': statistical_significance(f'results/{dataset}-*-mae-run?.pkl', ae),
# 'mrae': statistical_significance(f'results/{dataset}-*-mrae-run?.pkl', rae),
# } for dataset in datasets
# }
nice = {
'svmkld': 'SVM(KLD)',
'svmnkld': 'SVM(NKLD)',
'svmq': 'SVM(Q)',
'svmae': 'SVM(AE)',
'svmnae': 'SVM(NAE)',
'svmmae': 'SVM(AE)',
'svmmrae': 'SVM(RAE)',
'quanet': 'QuaNet',
'hdy': 'HDy',
'dys': 'DyS',
'sanders': 'Sanders',
'semeval13': 'SemEval13',
'semeval14': 'SemEval14',
'semeval15': 'SemEval15',
'semeval16': 'SemEval16'
# }
# }
def nicerm(key):
return '\mathrm{'+nice[key]+'}'
def color_from_rel_rank(rel_rank, maxtone=100):
rel_rank = rel_rank*2-1
if rel_rank < 0:
color = 'red'
tone = maxtone*(-rel_rank)
color = 'green'
tone = maxtone*rel_rank
return '\cellcolor{' + color + f'!{int(tone)}' + '}'
def color_from_abs_rank(abs_rank, n_methods, maxtone=100):
rel_rank = 1.-(abs_rank-1.)/(n_methods-1)
return color_from_rel_rank(rel_rank, maxtone)
def save_table(path, table):
print(f'saving results in {path}')
with open(path, 'wt') as foo:
# Tables evaluation scores for AE and RAE (two tables)
# ----------------------------------------------------
evaluation_measures = [qp.error.mae, qp.error.mrae]
gao_seb_methods = ['cc', 'acc', 'pcc', 'pacc', 'emq', 'svmq', 'svmkld', 'svmnkld']
results_dict = {}
def getscore(dataset, method, loss):
path = result_path(dataset, method, loss)
if os.path.exists(path):
true_prevs, estim_prevs, _, _, _, _ = pickle.load(open(path, 'rb'))
err = getattr(qp.error, loss)
return err(true_prevs, estim_prevs)
return None
for i, eval_func in enumerate(evaluation_measures):
eval_name = eval_func.__name__
added_methods = ['svm' + eval_name] # , 'quanet', 'dys']
methods = gao_seb_methods + added_methods
nold_methods = len(gao_seb_methods)
nnew_methods = len(added_methods)
tabular = """
\\begin{tabularx}{\\textwidth}{|c||""" + ('Y|'*len(gao_seb_methods))+ '|' + ('Y|'*len(added_methods)) + """} \hline
& \multicolumn{"""+str(nold_methods)+"""}{c||}{Methods tested in~\cite{Gao:2016uq}} & \multicolumn{"""+str(nnew_methods)+"""}{c||}{} \\\\ \hline
for method in methods:
tabular += ' & \side{' + nice.get(method, method.upper()) +'$^{' + nicerm(eval_name) + '}$} '
tabular += '\\\\\hline\n'
for dataset in datasets:
tabular += nice.get(dataset, dataset.upper()) + ' '
for method in methods:
score = getscore(dataset, method, eval_name)
if score:
tabular += f' & {score:.3f} '
tabular += ' & --- '
tabular += '\\\\\hline\n'
tabular += "\end{tabularx}"
save_table(f'./tables/tab_results_{eval_name}.new.tex', tabular)
# gao_seb_ranks, gao_seb_results = get_ranks_from_Gao_Sebastiani()
# Tables ranks for AE and RAE (two tables)
# ----------------------------------------------------
# for i, eval_func in enumerate(evaluation_measures):
# eval_name = eval_func.__name__
# methods = ['cc', 'acc', 'pcc', 'pacc', 'emq', 'svmq', 'svmkld', 'svmnkld']
# table = """
# \\begin{table}[h]
# """
# if i == 0:
# caption = """
# \caption{Rank positions of the quantification methods in the AE
# experiments, and (between parentheses) the rank positions
# obtained in the evaluation of~\cite{Gao:2016uq}.}
# """
# else:
# caption = "\caption{Same as Table~\\ref{tab:maeranks}, but with " + nice[eval_name] + " instead of AE.}"
# table += caption + """
# \\begin{center}
# \\resizebox{\\textwidth}{!}{
# """
# tabular = """
# \\begin{tabularx}{\\textwidth}{|c||Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|Y|} \hline
# & \multicolumn{8}{c|}{Methods tested in~\cite{Gao:2016uq}} \\\\ \hline
# """
# for method in methods:
# tabular += ' & \side{' + nice.get(method, method.upper()) +'$^{' + nicerm(eval_name) + '}$} '
# tabular += '\\\\\hline\n'
# for dataset in datasets:
# tabular += nice.get(dataset, dataset.upper()) + ' '
# ranks_no_gap = []
# for method in methods:
# learner = 'lr' if not method.startswith('svm') else 'svmperf'
# key = f'{dataset}-{method}-{learner}-{}-{eval_name}'
# ranks_no_gap.append(stats[dataset][eval_name].get(key, (None, None, len(methods)))[2])
# ranks_no_gap = sorted(ranks_no_gap)
# ranks_no_gap = {rank:i+1 for i,rank in enumerate(ranks_no_gap)}
# for method in methods:
# learner = 'lr' if not method.startswith('svm') else 'svmperf'
# key = f'{dataset}-{method}-{learner}-{sample_size}-{eval_name}'
# if key in stats[dataset][eval_name]:
# _, _, abs_rank = stats[dataset][eval_name][key]
# real_rank = ranks_no_gap[abs_rank]
# tabular += f' & {real_rank}'
# tabular += color_from_abs_rank(real_rank, len(methods), maxtone=MAXTONE)
# else:
# tabular += ' & --- '
# old_rank = gao_seb_ranks.get(f'{dataset}-{method}-{eval_name}', 'error')
# tabular += f' ({old_rank})'
# tabular += '\\\\\hline\n'
# tabular += "\end{tabularx}"
# table += tabular + """
# }
# \end{center}
# \label{tab:""" + eval_name + """ranks}
# \end{table}
# """
# save_table(f'../tables/tab_rank_{eval_name}.tex', table)
# print("[Done]")