import numpy as np import scipy as sp import quapy as qp from import LabelledCollection from quapy.method.aggregative import SLD from quapy.protocol import APP, AbstractStochasticSeededProtocol from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression from sklearn.model_selection import cross_val_predict from .data import get_dataset # Extended classes # # 0 ~ True 0 # 1 ~ False 1 # 2 ~ False 0 # 3 ~ True 1 # _____________________ # | | | # | True 0 | False 1 | # |__________|__________| # | | | # | False 0 | True 1 | # |__________|__________| # def get_ex_class(classes, true_class, pred_class): return true_class * classes + pred_class def extend_collection(coll, pred_prob): n_classes = coll.n_classes # n_X = [ X | predicted probs. ] if isinstance(coll.X, sp.csr_matrix): pred_prob_csr = sp.csr_matrix(pred_prob) n_x = sp.hstack([coll.X, pred_prob_csr]) elif isinstance(coll.X, np.ndarray): n_x = np.concatenate((coll.X, pred_prob), axis=1) else: raise ValueError("Unsupported matrix format") # n_y = (exptected y, predicted y) n_y = [] for i, true_class in enumerate(coll.y): pred_class = pred_prob[i].argmax(axis=0) n_y.append(get_ex_class(n_classes, true_class, pred_class)) return LabelledCollection(n_x, np.asarray(n_y), [*range(0, n_classes * n_classes)]) def qf1e_binary(prev): recall = prev[0] / (prev[0] + prev[1]) precision = prev[0] / (prev[0] + prev[2]) return 1 - 2 * (precision * recall) / (precision + recall) def compute_errors(true_prev, estim_prev, n_instances): errors = {} _eps = 1 / (2 * n_instances) errors = { "mae": qp.error.mae(true_prev, estim_prev), "rae": qp.error.rae(true_prev, estim_prev, eps=_eps), "mrae": qp.error.mrae(true_prev, estim_prev, eps=_eps), "kld": qp.error.kld(true_prev, estim_prev, eps=_eps), "nkld": qp.error.nkld(true_prev, estim_prev, eps=_eps), "true_f1e": qf1e_binary(true_prev), "estim_f1e": qf1e_binary(estim_prev), } return errors def extend_and_quantify( model, q_model, train, test: LabelledCollection | AbstractStochasticSeededProtocol, ):*train.Xy) pred_prob_train = cross_val_predict(model, *train.Xy, method="predict_proba") _train = extend_collection(train, pred_prob_train) def quantify_extended(test): pred_prob_test = model.predict_proba(test.X) _test = extend_collection(test, pred_prob_test) _estim_prev = q_model.quantify(_test.instances) # check that _estim_prev has all the classes and eventually fill the missing # ones with 0 for _cls in _test.classes_: if _cls not in q_model.classes_: _estim_prev = np.insert(_estim_prev, _cls, [0.0], axis=0) print(_estim_prev) return _test.prevalence(), _estim_prev if isinstance(test, LabelledCollection): _true_prev, _estim_prev = quantify_extended(test) _errors = compute_errors(_true_prev, _estim_prev, test.X.shape[0]) return ([test.prevalence()], [_true_prev], [_estim_prev], [_errors]) elif isinstance(test, AbstractStochasticSeededProtocol): orig_prevs, true_prevs, estim_prevs, errors = [], [], [], [] for index in test.samples_parameters(): sample = test.sample(index) _true_prev, _estim_prev = quantify_extended(sample) orig_prevs.append(sample.prevalence()) true_prevs.append(_true_prev) estim_prevs.append(_estim_prev) errors.append(compute_errors(_true_prev, _estim_prev, sample.X.shape[0])) return orig_prevs, true_prevs, estim_prevs, errors def test_1(dataset_name): train, test = get_dataset(dataset_name) orig_prevs, true_prevs, estim_prevs, errors = extend_and_quantify( LogisticRegression(), SLD(LogisticRegression()), train, APP(test, n_prevalences=11, repeats=1), ) for orig_prev, true_prev, estim_prev, _errors in zip( orig_prevs, true_prevs, estim_prevs, errors ): print(f"original prevalence:\t{orig_prev}") print(f"true prevalence:\t{true_prev}") print(f"estimated prevalence:\t{estim_prev}") for name, err in _errors.items(): print(f"{name}={err:.3f}") print()