import warnings import numpy as np from scipy.sparse import csr_matrix class DensityRatioEstimator: """ Class to accomplish direct density estimation implementing the original KLIEP algorithm from Direct Importance Estimation with Model Selection and Its Application to Covariate Shift Adaptation by Sugiyama et al. The training set is distributed via train ~ p(x) and the test set is distributed via test ~ q(x). The KLIEP algorithm and its variants approximate w(x) = q(x) / p(x) directly. The predict function returns the estimate of w(x). The function w(x) can serve as sample weights for the training set during training to modify the expectation function that the model's loss function is optimized via, i.e. E_{x ~ w(x)p(x)} loss(x) = E_{x ~ q(x)} loss(x). Usage : The fit method is used to run the KLIEP algorithm using LCV and returns value of J trained on the entire training/test set with the best sigma found. Use the predict method on the training set to determine the sample weights from the KLIEP algorithm. """ def __init__( self, max_iter=5000, num_params=[0.1, 0.2], epsilon=1e-4, cv=3, sigmas=[0.01, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 1], random_state=None, verbose=0, ): """ Direct density estimation using an inner LCV loop to estimate the proper model. Can be used with sklearn cross validation methods with or without storing the inner CV. To use a standard grid search. max_iter : Number of iterations to perform num_params : List of number of test set vectors used to construct the approximation for inner LCV. Must be a float. Original paper used 10%, i.e. =.1 sigmas : List of sigmas to be used in inner LCV loop. epsilon : Additive factor in the iterative algorithm for numerical stability. """ self.max_iter = max_iter self.num_params = num_params self.epsilon = epsilon self.verbose = verbose self.sigmas = sigmas = cv self.random_state = 0 def fit(self, X_train, X_test, alpha_0=None): """Uses cross validation to select sigma as in the original paper (LCV). In a break from sklearn convention, y=X_test. The parameter cv corresponds to R in the original paper. Once found, the best sigma is used to train on the full set.""" # LCV loop, shuffle a copy in place for performance. cv = chunk = int(X_test.shape[0] / float(cv)) if self.random_state is not None: np.random.seed(self.random_state) # if isinstance(X_test, csr_matrix): # X_test_shuffled = X_test.toarray() # else: # X_test_shuffled = X_test.copy() X_test_shuffled = X_test.copy() X_test_index = np.arange(X_test_shuffled.shape[0]) np.random.shuffle(X_test_index) X_test_shuffled = X_test_shuffled[X_test_index, :] j_scores = {} if type(self.sigmas) != list: self.sigmas = [self.sigmas] if type(self.num_params) != list: self.num_params = [self.num_params] if len(self.sigmas) * len(self.num_params) > 1: # Inner LCV loop for num_param in self.num_params: for sigma in self.sigmas: j_scores[(num_param, sigma)] = np.zeros(cv) for k in range(1, cv + 1): if self.verbose > 0: print("Training: sigma: %s R: %s" % (sigma, k)) X_test_fold = X_test_shuffled[(k - 1) * chunk : k * chunk, :] j_scores[(num_param, sigma)][k - 1] = self._fit( X_train=X_train, X_test=X_test_fold, num_parameters=num_param, sigma=sigma, ) j_scores[(num_param, sigma)] = np.mean(j_scores[(num_param, sigma)]) sorted_scores = sorted( [x for x in j_scores.items() if np.isfinite(x[1])], key=lambda x: x[1], reverse=True, ) if len(sorted_scores) == 0: warnings.warn("LCV failed to converge for all values of sigma.") return self self._sigma = sorted_scores[0][0][1] self._num_parameters = sorted_scores[0][0][0] self._j_scores = sorted_scores else: self._sigma = self.sigmas[0] self._num_parameters = self.num_params[0] # best sigma self._j = self._fit( X_train=X_train, X_test=X_test_shuffled, num_parameters=self._num_parameters, sigma=self._sigma, ) return self # Compatibility with sklearn def _fit(self, X_train, X_test, num_parameters, sigma, alpha_0=None): """Fits the estimator with the given parameters w-hat and returns J""" num_parameters = num_parameters if type(num_parameters) == float: num_parameters = int(X_test.shape[0] * num_parameters) self._select_param_vectors( X_test=X_test, sigma=sigma, num_parameters=num_parameters ) # if isinstance(X_train, csr_matrix): # X_train = X_train.toarray() X_train = self._reshape_X(X_train) X_test = self._reshape_X(X_test) if alpha_0 is None: alpha_0 = np.ones(shape=(num_parameters, 1)) / float(num_parameters) self._find_alpha( X_train=X_train, X_test=X_test, num_parameters=num_parameters, epsilon=self.epsilon, alpha_0=alpha_0, sigma=sigma, ) return self._calculate_j(X_test, sigma=sigma) def _calculate_j(self, X_test, sigma): pred = self.predict(X_test, sigma=sigma) + 0.0000001 log = np.log(pred).sum() return log / (X_test.shape[0]) def score(self, X_test): """Return the J score, similar to sklearn's API""" return self._calculate_j(X_test=X_test, sigma=self._sigma) @staticmethod def _reshape_X(X): """Reshape input from mxn to mx1xn to take advantage of numpy broadcasting.""" if len(X.shape) != 3: return X.reshape((X.shape[0], 1, X.shape[1])) return X def _select_param_vectors(self, X_test, sigma, num_parameters): """X_test is the test set. b is the number of parameters.""" indices = np.random.choice(X_test.shape[0], size=num_parameters, replace=False) self._test_vectors = X_test[indices, :].copy() self._phi_fitted = True def _phi(self, X, sigma=None): if sigma is None: sigma = self._sigma if self._phi_fitted: return np.exp( -np.sum((X - self._test_vectors) ** 2, axis=-1) / (2 * sigma**2) ) raise Exception("Phi not fitted.") def _find_alpha(self, alpha_0, X_train, X_test, num_parameters, sigma, epsilon): A = np.zeros(shape=(X_test.shape[0], num_parameters)) b = np.zeros(shape=(num_parameters, 1)) A = self._phi(X_test, sigma) b = self._phi(X_train, sigma).sum(axis=0) / X_train.shape[0] b = b.reshape((num_parameters, 1)) out = alpha_0.copy() for k in range(self.max_iter): mat =, out) mat += 0.000000001 out += epsilon *, 1.0 / mat) out += b * ( ((1 -, out)) /, b)) ) out = np.maximum(0, out) out /=, out) self._alpha = out self._fitted = True def predict(self, X, sigma=None): """Equivalent of w(X) from the original paper.""" X = self._reshape_X(X) if not self._fitted: raise Exception("Not fitted!") return, sigma=sigma), self._alpha).reshape((X.shape[0],))