116 lines
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116 lines
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import * as duckdb from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@duckdb/duckdb-wasm@1.29.0/+esm';
//import * as arrow from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apache-arrow@9'
var rif_commentatori=[];
var rif_autori=[];
var rif_areetematiche=[];
const JSDELIVR_BUNDLES = duckdb.getJsDelivrBundles();
// Select a bundle based on browser checks
const bundle = await duckdb.selectBundle(JSDELIVR_BUNDLES);
const worker_url = URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob([`importScripts("${bundle.mainWorker}");`], {type: 'text/javascript'})
// Instantiate the asynchronus version of DuckDB-wasm
const worker = new Worker(worker_url);
const logger = new duckdb.ConsoleLogger();
const db = new duckdb.AsyncDuckDB(logger, worker);
await db.instantiate(bundle.mainModule, bundle.pthreadWorker);
console.log ('datamgr init done')
//await db.registerFileURL('remote.parquet', 'http://localhost:8000/js/data/riferimenti_3.parquet', DuckDBDataProtocol.HTTP, false);
/*const res = await fetch('http://localhost:8000/js/data/riferimenti_3.parquet');
await db.registerFileBuffer('buffer.parquet', new Uint8Array(await res.arrayBuffer()));*/
const conn = await db.connect();
await conn.query(`
CREATE TABLE riferimenti AS
SELECT * FROM "https://lida.dantenetwork.it/js/data/riferimenti_3.parquet";
var table=await conn.query(`
select distinct Aut from riferimenti order by Aut COLLATE NOCASE;
const result = table.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
rif_autori=result.map((x) => x['Aut']);
var table=await conn.query(`
select distinct Com from riferimenti;
const result2 = table.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
rif_commentatori=result2.map((x) => x['Com']);
/*rif_commentatori.sort((a, b) => {
var sre= (a.replace(/^\D+/g, '')-b.replace(/^\D+/g, ''))
return sre
var table=await conn.query(`
select distinct CA from riferimenti order by CA;
const result3 = table.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
rif_areetematiche= result3.map((x) => x['CA']);
await conn.close();
export function getAreeTematicheS() {
return rif_areetematiche
export function getAutoriFontiCitazioniS() {
return rif_autori
export function getCommentatoriS() {
return rif_commentatori
export async function getVersiConCitazioni(canticapar = '', cantopar = '') {
let citcantiche = ['Inferno', 'Purgatorio', 'Paradiso']
if (canticapar == '') {
const tconn = await db.connect();
var table=await tconn.query(`
select Ann as Annotazione, Com as Commentario, FrN as frammentoNota, AC as AutoreCitazione,
F as FonteCitazione, LF as LuogoFonteCitazione, NF as NotaFonteCitazione,
TF as TestoFonteCitazione, UF as URLFonteCitazione, NaRi as NaturaRiferimento,
RCC as RapportoCommentoCommentatoreText, RSO as RapportoSoggettoOggetto,
Aut as NomeAutoreCitazione, TiFo as TitoloFonteCitazione, Verso as VersoCitazione, CA as AreaTematica,
TiCi as TipoCitazione, CEP as CitEpisodi, CIM as CitImmagini, CTE as CitTeorie,
CMO as CitMotivi, CST as CitStilemi, CTO as CitTopografie
from riferimenti
where Cantica='${canticapar}' and Canto='${cantopar}' order by verso;
var result4 = table.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
await tconn.close();
return result4