# Commedia: Arc Diagram per marcatura sintattica current https://observablehq.com/d/2c2aa90cdea73fae@1660 View this notebook in your browser by running a web server in this folder. For example: ~~~sh npx http-server ~~~ Or, use the [Observable Runtime](https://github.com/observablehq/runtime) to import this module directly into your application. To npm install: ~~~sh npm install @observablehq/runtime@5 npm install https://api.observablehq.com/d/2c2aa90cdea73fae@1660.tgz?v=3 ~~~ Then, import your notebook and the runtime as: ~~~js import {Runtime, Inspector} from "@observablehq/runtime"; import define from "2c2aa90cdea73fae"; ~~~ To log the value of the cell named “foo”: ~~~js const runtime = new Runtime(); const main = runtime.module(define); main.value("foo").then(value => console.log(value)); ~~~