/** * jQuery Popup Layer Plugin * https://github.com/edwardnevermind/jquery.popuplayer.js * * @author Edward * MIT licensed */ ;(function($) { var PopupLayer = function(elem, opt) { this.$elem = $(elem); this.$mask = $("<div class='popup-layer'></div>"); this.$content = $("<div class='popup-layer-content p-3'></div>"); this.$blurAreas = $("body > *"); this.defaults = { content: "", // 内容可以传入,纯文本和类名 target: "body", // 把弹出层添加到的目标节点 to: "top", // 向哪个方向展开 screenRatio: 0.3, // 占屏幕百分比 heightOrWidth: 300, // 当且仅当screenRatio为0时生效 blur: false, // 是否开启毛玻璃效果 speed: 200, // 动画速度 color: "#000", // 文本颜色 backgroundColor: "#fff", // 背景颜色 contentToggle: false, // 点击content是否关闭弹出层 closeBtn: null, // 指定关闭按钮 openCallback: null, // 展开的回调 closeCallback: null // 关闭的回调 }; // 合并默认参数和自定义参数 this.options = $.extend({}, this.defaults, opt); }; PopupLayer.prototype = { init: function() { this.attachElems(); this.updateContent(); this.bindEvents(); }, updateContent: function() { this.$content.html($(this.options.content)); var that = this; $(function() { that.$content.children().show(); }); var content_position = { top: 63, right: 38, bottom: 0, left: 38 } content_position[this.options.to] = "100%"; this.$content.css({ 'top': content_position.top, 'right': content_position.right, 'bottom': content_position.bottom, 'left': content_position.left, 'color': this.options.color, 'background-color': this.options.backgroundColor, 'transition': 'all ' + (this.options.speed / 1000) + 's' }); }, attachElems: function() { this.$content.appendTo(this.$mask); this.$mask.appendTo($(this.options.target)); }, open: function() { this.$mask.fadeIn(this.options.speed); // 如果screenRatio为0那么根据屏幕宽高计算占比 if (this.options.screenRatio != 0) { this.$content.css({ [this.options.to]: (1 - this.options.screenRatio) * 100 + "%" }); } else { var ratio = 0; if (this.options.to == "left" || this.options.to == "right"){ ratio = this.options.heightOrWidth / $(window).outerWidth(); } else { ratio = this.options.heightOrWidth / $(window).outerHeight(); } this.$content.css({ [this.options.to]: (1 - ratio) * 100 + "%" }); } if (this.options.blur) { this.$blurAreas.addClass('popup-layer-blur'); } if (this.options.openCallback) { this.options.openCallback(); } }, close: function() { this.$mask.fadeOut(this.options.speed); this.$content.css({ [this.options.to]: "100%" }) if (this.options.blur) { this.$blurAreas.removeClass('popup-layer-blur'); } if (this.options.closeCallback) { this.options.closeCallback(); } }, bindEvents: function() { var that = this; this.$elem.click(function() { that.open(); }); // 阻止点击content时冒泡到上层 if (!this.options.contentToggle) { this.$content.click(function(event) { event.stopPropagation(); }); } this.$mask.click(function() { that.close(); }); if (this.options.closeBtn) { $(this.options.closeBtn).click(function() { that.close(); }) } } }; $.fn.PopupLayer = function(options) { return this.each(function() { new PopupLayer(this, options).init(); }); }; })(jQuery);