diff --git a/js/script_Luk_Q.js b/js/script_Luk_Q.js
index 0e5e048..20fcfac 100644
--- a/js/script_Luk_Q.js
+++ b/js/script_Luk_Q.js
@@ -18,21 +18,30 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
$("#copiaQuery").prop("disabled", true);
- $("#copiaQuery").on("click", function(){
- $('#sparqlquery').copy2clipboard();
- });
$( "#sortable0" ).sortable({
items: "> li",
handle: ".handle"
+ // Evento: click sul bottone di copia della query
+ $("#copiaQuery").on("click", function(){
+ $('#sparqlquery').copy2clipboard();
+ });
// Evento: click sull'area di navigazione delle tab delle clausole
$('#tab-list').on('click', function() {
+ $("form #lemma_forma").on('change', function() {
+ refreshClaList();
+ });
+ $("form #queryText").on('change', function() {
+ refreshClaList();
+ });
// Evento: click sull'icona check dentro il tab della clausola
$('#cla-TabContent').on('click', '.return2Query', function() {
var tabFirst = $('#tab-list a:first');
@@ -214,6 +223,32 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
+ // Evento: click sull'icona di save local
+ $('#cla-TabContent').on('click', 'ion-icon[name="save-outline"]', function() {
+ var fileA = document.createElement("a");
+ fileA.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([JSON.stringify(queryJson)], {type: "text/plain;charset=utf-8"}));
+ fileA.download = "LiDaQuery.txt";
+ fileA.click();
+ fileA.remove();
+ });
+ // Evento: click sull'icona di load local
+ $('#cla-TabContent').on('click', 'ion-icon[name="folder-open-outline"]', function() {
+ $('#apriFile').click();
+ });
+ $("#apriFile").on('change', function() {
+ var file = $(this).prop('files')[0];
+ //console.log(file);
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onload = function(data){
+ queryJson = JSON.parse(data.target.result)
+ console.log(queryJson);
+ $("#sparqlquery").val(data.target.result);
+ };
+ if (file) {reader.readAsText(file);}
+ });
$('#cla-TabContent').on('change', 'select.catgram', function(e) {
@@ -537,7 +572,11 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
var claListLen = 0;
var condListLen = 0;
var execQuery =``;
- var queryFields = [];
+ var queryFields = []; // Contiene le intestazioni di colonna della tabella dei risultati
+ var c0 = JSON.parse('{"queryText": "", "lemma_forma": "lemma", "Tipo": "0", "Attiva": "0"}');
+ var queryJson = JSON.parse('{"EsprLogica":""}');
+ queryJson.LiDaVersion = "1.0";
+ queryJson.Clausola0 = c0;
const myEngine = new Comunica.QueryEngine();
const sparqlEndpoint2 = "https://hdnlab1.isti.cnr.it/fuseki/commediaontosintgra/query";
@@ -732,11 +771,19 @@ WHERE {
- // Funzione di refresh della lista clausole nella tab principale
+ // Funzione di refresh della lista clausole nella tab principale e del json della query
function refreshClaList(){
+ var qText = $("form #queryText")[0].value;
+ if (qText == "") { //disattivo clausola 0 se il testo e' vuoto
+ var claActive = 0
+ } else {
+ var claActive = 1
+ };
+ var l_f = $("form #lemma_forma")[0].options[$("form #lemma_forma")[0].selectedIndex].value;
var tabsC=$("#cla-TabContent").find(".tab-pane:not(:first)");
var clausoleText = "";
var len=0;
+ queryJson.Clausola0 = JSON.parse('{"queryText": "' + qText + '", "lemma_forma": "' + l_f + '", "Tipo": "0", "Attiva": "' + claActive + '"}');
if ($(tabsC).length) {
if ($("#H-cla0")[0]) {
@@ -745,37 +792,41 @@ WHERE {
var claText = '';
var checkInsert = '"';
- var claListItemID = "H-" + $(this).attr('id');
+ var claId = $(this).attr('id');
+ var claListItemID = "H-" + claId;
var claType = $(this).attr('data-claType');
var claActive = $(this).attr('data-claActive');
if (claActive > 0) {
checkInsert = '" checked="checked"';
+ var jsonTextToParse = '{"queryText": "' + qText + '", "lemma_forma": "' + l_f + '", "Tipo": "' + claType + '", "Attiva": "' + claActive + '"';
switch (claType) {
case "Grammaticale":
var graSelect = $(this).find(".catgram");
- var graText = graSelect[0].options[graSelect[0].selectedIndex].text;
- claText = len + ". Categoria grammaticale: " + graText + ' ';
+ claText = len + ". Categoria grammaticale: " + graSelect[0].options[graSelect[0].selectedIndex].text + ' ';
+ jsonTextToParse = jsonTextToParse + ', "' + graSelect.attr('name') + '": "' + graSelect[0].options[graSelect[0].selectedIndex].value + '"';
var claSubParList = $(this).children(".dettaglifiltri").find("select, fieldset");
var claSubParType = $(this)[0].type;
if (claSubParType == "fieldset" && $(this).find(":checked").length) {
- var claSubParId = $(this).find(":checked")[0].id;
- var claSubParText = $(this).find("[for='" + claSubParId + "']")[0].innerText;
- claText = claText + claSubParText + "; ";
+ var claSubParName = $(this).find(":checked")[0].name
+ if (claSubParName.startsWith(claId)) {
+ claSubParName = claSubParName.replace(claId,'');
+ }
+ claText = claText + $(this).find("[for='" + $(this).find(":checked")[0].id + "']")[0].innerText + "; ";
+ jsonTextToParse = jsonTextToParse + ', "' + claSubParName + '": "' + $(this).find(":checked")[0].value + '"';
- if (claSubParType == "select-one") {
- var claSubParText = $(this)[0].options[$(this)[0].selectedIndex].text;
- claText = claText + claSubParText + "; "
+ if (claSubParType == "select-one" && $(this)[0].selectedIndex != 0) {
+ claText = claText + $(this)[0].options[$(this)[0].selectedIndex].text + "; ";
+ jsonTextToParse = jsonTextToParse + ', "' + $(this)[0].name + '": "' + $(this)[0].options[$(this)[0].selectedIndex].value + '"';
case "Sintattico":
var syntSelect = $(this).find("#synttypes");
- var syntText = syntSelect[0].options[syntSelect[0].selectedIndex].text;
- var funcSelect = $(this).find("#syntfunc");
- var funcText = funcSelect[0].options[funcSelect[0].selectedIndex].text;
- claText = len + ". Tipo sintattico: " + syntText + '; Livello di subordinazione: ' + funcText
+; var funcSelect = $(this).find("#syntfunc");
+ claText = len + ". Tipo sintattico: " + syntSelect[0].options[syntSelect[0].selectedIndex].text + '; Livello di subordinazione: ' + funcSelect[0].options[funcSelect[0].selectedIndex].text;
+ jsonTextToParse = jsonTextToParse + ', "' + syntSelect.attr('name') + '": "' + syntSelect[0].options[syntSelect[0].selectedIndex].value + '", "' + funcSelect.attr('name') + '": "' + funcSelect[0].options[funcSelect[0].selectedIndex].value + '"';
claText = len + ". " + $(this).text();
@@ -787,10 +838,14 @@ WHERE {
} else {
+ queryJson["Clausola" + len] = JSON.parse(jsonTextToParse + '}');
+ if (queryJson["Clausola" + (len + 1)]) //se vengo dalla rimozione di una clausola
+ delete queryJson["Clausola" + (len + 1)];
} else {
if (claListLen == 0 && condListLen == 0) {
+ queryJson.EsprLogica = "";
tabID = 0;
@@ -867,7 +922,10 @@ WHERE {
- $("#sparqlquery").val(parseCond("#sortable0", "AND"));
+ var logicExprString = parseCond("#sortable0", "AND");
+ $("#sparqlquery").val(logicExprString);
+ queryJson.EsprLogica = logicExprString.split(' ');
+ //console.log(queryJson);
// Funzione di refresh dei collegamenti tra elementi sortable
@@ -906,7 +964,7 @@ WHERE {
if ($(this).hasClass("claLI")) {
if ($(this).find("input")[0].checked == true){
var claText = $(this).find(".clatext").text();
- var claNum = claText.substr(0,claText.indexOf('.'));
+ var claNum = "Clausola" + claText.substr(0,claText.indexOf('.'));
@@ -970,6 +1028,17 @@ WHERE {
Copiata nella clipboard
+ function cambio(event) {
+ var file = event.target.files[0];
+ var reader = new FileReader();
+ reader.onload = function(e) {
+ // The file's text will be printed here
+ console.log(e.target.result)
+ };
+ reader.readAsText(file);
+ };
function cloneClaSint(clone,tabID){
var original = document.getElementById("tiposintatticoX");
clone = original.cloneNode(true);