rif in progress
This commit is contained in:
@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import { getVersiConCitazioni, queryRiferimenti} from './dataMgr.js';
import { getVersiConCitazioni, queryRiferimenti, getListaRis} from './dataMgr.js';
import { getJsonQuery, emptyStructCard } from './script_5.0.js';
import {resetGraphStr} from './syntgraph_5.0.js'
@ -1489,6 +1489,12 @@ $(document).ready(function() {
//manageMM (cantoDisplayed)
//var currPage = 0;
//var latestPhraseId = "";
var telive=getListaRis()
for (var ve of telive) {
let idve = ve
$(ve).removeClass("font-weight-bold mark ")
minim.contents().find(ve).removeClass("font-weight-bold mark ")
drawMinimap(cantoDisplayed, true)
@ -4,10 +4,11 @@ import * as duckdb from 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/@duckdb/duckdb-wasm@1.29.0
//import * as arrow from 'https://cdn.skypack.dev/apache-arrow@9'
var rif_commentatori=[];
var rif_autori=[];
var rif_areetematiche=[];
var rif_fonti=[];
var rif_commentatori = [];
var rif_autori = [];
var rif_areetematiche = [];
var rif_fonti = [];
var listaidversi = []
const cantobadgeclassBis = 'badge badge-outline-warning badge-pill'
const JSDELIVR_BUNDLES = duckdb.getJsDelivrBundles();
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ const JSDELIVR_BUNDLES = duckdb.getJsDelivrBundles();
const bundle = await duckdb.selectBundle(JSDELIVR_BUNDLES);
const worker_url = URL.createObjectURL(
new Blob([`importScripts("${bundle.mainWorker}");`], {type: 'text/javascript'})
new Blob([`importScripts("${bundle.mainWorker}");`], { type: 'text/javascript' })
// Instantiate the asynchronus version of DuckDB-wasm
@ -26,7 +27,7 @@ const db = new duckdb.AsyncDuckDB(logger, worker);
await db.instantiate(bundle.mainModule, bundle.pthreadWorker);
console.log ('datamgr init done')
console.log('datamgr init done')
//await db.registerFileURL('remote.parquet', 'http://localhost:8000/js/data/riferimenti_3.parquet', DuckDBDataProtocol.HTTP, false);
@ -42,19 +43,19 @@ await conn.query(`
SELECT * FROM "https://lida.dantenetwork.it/js/data/riferimenti_3.parquet";
var table=await conn.query(`
var table = await conn.query(`
select distinct Aut from riferimenti order by Aut COLLATE NOCASE;
const result = table.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
rif_autori=result.map((x) => x['Aut']);
rif_autori = result.map((x) => x['Aut']);
var table=await conn.query(`
var table = await conn.query(`
select distinct Com from riferimenti;
const result2 = table.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
rif_commentatori=result2.map((x) => x['Com']);
rif_commentatori = result2.map((x) => x['Com']);
@ -66,52 +67,55 @@ rif_commentatori=result2.map((x) => x['Com']);
var table=await conn.query(`
var table = await conn.query(`
select distinct CA from riferimenti order by CA;
const result3 = table.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
rif_areetematiche= result3.map((x) => x['CA']);
rif_areetematiche = result3.map((x) => x['CA']);
var table1=await conn.query(`
var table1 = await conn.query(`
select distinct TiFo from riferimenti;
const result4 = table1.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
rif_fonti=result4.map((x) => x['TiFo']);
rif_fonti = result4.map((x) => x['TiFo']);
await conn.close();
export function getListaRis(){
return listaidversi;
export function getFontiS() {
return rif_fonti
export function getAreeTematicheS() {
return rif_areetematiche
export function getAutoriFontiCitazioniS() {
return rif_autori
export function getCommentatoriS() {
return rif_commentatori
export async function getVersiConCitazioni(canticapar = '', cantopar = '') {
//let citcantiche = ['Inferno', 'Purgatorio', 'Paradiso']
if (canticapar == '') {
const tconn = await db.connect();
var table=await tconn.query(`
const tconn = await db.connect();
var table = await tconn.query(`
select Ann as Annotazione, Com as Commentario, FrN as frammentoNota, AC as AutoreCitazione,
F as FonteCitazione, LF as LuogoFonteCitazione, NF as NotaFonteCitazione,
TF as TestoFonteCitazione, UF as URLFonteCitazione, NaRi as NaturaRiferimento,
@ -122,76 +126,74 @@ export async function getVersiConCitazioni(canticapar = '', cantopar = '') {
from riferimenti
where Cantica='${canticapar}' and Canto='${cantopar}' order by verso;
var result4 = table.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
await tconn.close();
return result4
export async function queryRiferimenti(filtro, cid){
export async function queryRiferimenti(filtro, cid) {
if (filtro == null) {
const tconn= await db.connect();
var querytl='select Cantica, Canto, Verso from riferimenti'
var queryfi=' where '
if (filtro.Commentatore!=null && filtro.Commentatore.trim()!='all')
const tconn = await db.connect();
var querytl = 'select Cantica, Canto, Verso from riferimenti'
var queryfi = ' where '
if (filtro.Commentatore != null && filtro.Commentatore.trim() != 'all')
queryfi += "Com='" + filtro.Commentatore.trim() + "'"
queryfi+="Com like '%'"
if (filtro.Autore_Fonte!=null && filtro.Autore_Fonte.trim()!='all')
queryfi+=" and Aut='"+filtro.Autore_Fonte.trim()+"'"
var rs= await tconn.query(querytl+queryfi)
var result4 = rs.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
await tconn.close();
var resxcantica= Object.groupBy(result4, ({ Cantica }) => Cantica);
queryfi += "Com like '%'"
if (filtro.Autore_Fonte != null && filtro.Autore_Fonte.trim() != 'all')
queryfi += " and Aut='" + filtro.Autore_Fonte.trim() + "'"
var numcid=cid.split('_')[1]
for (var cantica in resxcantica){
var rs = await tconn.query(querytl + queryfi)
var result4 = rs.toArray().map((row) => row.toJSON());
await tconn.close();
var resxcantica = Object.groupBy(result4, ({ Cantica }) => Cantica);
var numcid = cid.split('_')[1]
for (var cantica in resxcantica) {
var $nctags = $(' .navig-canto')
var i=1;
if (cantica=='Purgatorio')
if (cantica=='Paradiso')
var i = 1;
if (cantica == 'Purgatorio')
i = 2
if (cantica == 'Paradiso')
i = 3
var spanbadgecantica = $('<span />');
spanbadgecantica.attr('class', 'badge badge-warning badge-pill mx-2');
spanbadgecantica.appendTo($('#cantica' + i + '-badge'))
var tmp=resxcantica[cantica]
var resxcanto= Object.groupBy(tmp, ({ Canto }) => Canto);
for (var canto in resxcanto){
var tmpv=resxcanto[canto]
var tmp = resxcantica[cantica]
var resxcanto = Object.groupBy(tmp, ({ Canto }) => Canto);
for (var canto in resxcanto) {
var tmpv = resxcanto[canto]
var spanbadge = $('<span />');
spanbadge.attr('class', cantobadgeclassBis);
if (canto.startsWith('0')){
canto= canto.replace('0', '')
if (canto.startsWith('0')) {
canto = canto.replace('0', '')
spanbadge.appendTo($nctags.filter('[name="' + cantica + 'Canto ' + canto + '"]'))
if (cid.includes(cantica) && numcid==canto){
for (const tmpvi of tmpv){
let myveid='#'+cantica+'_Canto_'+canto+'_'+tmpvi.Verso.split('-')[0]
for (const tmpvi of tmpv) {
let myveid = '#' + cantica + '_Canto_' + canto + '_' + tmpvi.Verso.split('-')[0]
if (cid.includes(cantica) && numcid == canto)
$(myveid).addClass("font-weight-bold mark ")
drawMinimap(cid, true)
return resxcantica
return listaidversi
Reference in New Issue