# Default settings for PostSRSd

# Local domain name.
# Addresses are rewritten to originate from this domain. The default value
# is taken from `postconf -h mydomain` and probably okay.
SRS_DOMAIN={% if domain_name is defined %}{{ domain_name }}{% else %}{{ ansible_fqdn }}{% endif %}

{% if postfix_srs_list_exclude_domains %}
# Exclude additional domains.
# You may list domains which shall not be subjected to address rewriting.
# If a domain name starts with a dot, it matches all subdomains, but not
# the domain itself. Separate multiple domains by space or comma.
SRS_EXCLUDE_DOMAINS={% for dom in postfix_srs_exclude_domains %}"{{ dom }}"{% if not loop.last %}, {% endif %}{% endfor %}
{% endif %}

# First separator character after SRS0 or SRS1.
# Can be one of: -+=

# Secret key to sign rewritten addresses.
# When postsrsd is installed for the first time, a random secret is generated
# and stored in /etc/postsrsd.secret. For most installations, that is just fine.

# Length of hash to be used in rewritten addresses

# Minimum length of hash to accept when validating return addresses.
# When increasing SRS_HASHLENGTH, set this to its previous value and
# wait for the duration of SRS return address validity (21 days) before
# increading this value as well.

# Local ports for TCP list.
# These ports are used to bind the TCP list for postfix. If you change
# these, you have to modify the postfix settings accordingly. The ports
# are bound to the loopback interface, and should never be exposed on
# the internet.
SRS_FORWARD_PORT={{ postfix_srs_sender_port }}
SRS_REVERSE_PORT={{ postfix_srs_receiver_port }}

# Drop root privileges and run as another user after initialization.
# This is highly recommended as postsrsd handles untrusted input.
RUN_AS={{ postfix_srs_user }}

# Bind to this address
SRS_LISTEN_ADDR={{ postfix_srs_listen }}

# Jail daemon in chroot environment

# Additional Options
# PostSRSd understands a few rarely needed extra options:
# -A     always rewrite email addresses, even from SRS_DOMAIN
# -t<n>  set connection timeout to <n> seconds (default: 1800)